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Everything posted by miyako

  1. you're one of the admins, you should be forcescrambling there that's what admins should be doing during a roll not letting everyone rtv off a map and endorsing all 5cp maps to be taken out of the rotation so that we can play dustbowl all day
  2. you can see the terrible design of ctf maps very easily let's start with the most butchered ctf map: 2fort 2fort has, for the attackers, one feasible route that they can take in order to get the enemy's intel. that route passes the defender's ramproom (i don't know what you guys call this, maybe the 'courtyard'). this area not only gives the defender's height advantage, but also a spawn room right next to their position. this spawn room isn't just for healing, but also to bypass the attacker's push completely. the attacking team must uber to ensure they successfully push up the ramproom and defenders. usually the defenders will simply uber themselves and whoever wins that fight will push the other team back. with a spawn room right next to the defenders, this isn't the only option. the defenders can simply all go into their spawn room, wait for the attacker's uber to disappear, and then come out unscathed and have an uber advantage. obviously this makes for boring games turbine on the other hand has various routes to the intel but pretty much only one feasible route. this route however doesn't give the defenders height advantage nor does it have a spawn room right next to them. this makes it easier for the attackers to push in and makes the game more enjoyable. the area in which the fights commonly happen are also very close to the intel, meaning the outcome of a fight doesn't have to be 100% clear in order for the attackers to have a chance at capping the intel. on 2fort the attackers may win the fight but with the design of the bases themselves the attacking team might get pinned inside the defender's own base after the defenders respawn since the spawn rooms cover all the exit routes for the intel carrier
  3. slumps happen, especially with spy i suggest going to some 24/7 badwater server and playing spy there.
  4. i don't understand why shotguns 'aren't supposed to be that accurate' you can still hit reasonably well with the random spread on (pretty much every shot) mid-long range. doing 5 dmg to someone isn't going to be devastating or break the game and in short eulogic is wrong atmuh is right
  5. lol 20 dmg mid+ range is impossible with scatter/shotgun consistency is always nice dont know how u can say scout is broken esp when the server rtv's to dustbowl and golrush every 30 minutes
  6. take panic out (customs kill the server at night) take dustbowl out leave in gorge (same thing) take 2fort out leave doublecross (same thing) take sawmill out replace with turbine (better ctf) put in an arena map space out the maps better spam maps shouldnt be right next to each other (badwater -> dustbowl)
  7. buff banner is way too good atm no doubt it will require a nerf. even if you do 1 damage to someone you can fill up the bar if that person has taken enough damage in his lifetime. no idea why dh can one shot but nade launcher was nerfed so that it cant. inconsistent minicrits need to go unless they can actually make it so that you dont get minicritted if youre standing on stairs or a railing. pretty sloppy. not sure on the jumping minicrits since it does give a pretty cool risk/reward where if you jump you can dodge the entire rocket but you can also just get minicritted. at the same time that doesn't really advertise the whole 'mini crit on AIRSHOTS' thing. if thats an airshot everyone of us deserves a medal
  8. I hope it replaces the nade launcher :3
  9. I figured it could just come out when you select your melee, so it wouldn't be activated until you take out your bottle or sword and he has it on his left hand
  10. ...my point was that people can't say badlands and granary are played too often when there are maps out there that are played more often than them because that's being hypocritical if people want to say they don't like badlands or granary and would want to see less of them then that is a different thing
  11. bullpoop to what? that all the spam maps are not played as often as badlands/granary? because if so you are very wrong do not put in hoodoo please it's the worst out of all the payload maps if you take a look at steam stats it shows an overwhelming victory for RED meaning a lot more boring downtime for BLU
  12. 5CP maps are the best kind of maps because except for the engineer every class is viable on it and there is no lame spam fest going on for 10 minutes like on payload or A/D maps. PL and A/D maps (except gravelpit i guess) just encourage turtling for the RED team and BLU ends up trying to push through RED's defense for the duration of the round, usually through a narrow passageway that becomes the center of attention for every explosives class to just spam (mostly the demo). This makes it incredibly boring (oh boy look at me I can toss stickies at a chokepoint and detonate them) as BLU has to have reliable medics (lolteamwork) to uber unless RED has a bad class composition with no combat classes (in which case its a steamroll which is just as boring). Scouts become useless due to sentries limiting their movement (part of why valve made the sandman oh boy). Well is an okay map but the problem with it is that it's tough to push that second (or fourth) point because there is a resupply cabinet right there for the defending team and there are only two ways inside their fort. It makes it very stalematey. 2fort is boring because the bases are so well designed for the defenders (narrow, closed in halls/rooms, defenders respawning RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when you're attacking). When the attackers first set foot outside they will have to a) dodge enemy snipers shooting at them, cross the narrow bridge and fight through the spamfest (or die to snipers while trying), c) go through sewers (you still might get your head blown off unless you go through the sewers through your own base which takes 5 minutes of walking). Not to mention in a pub no one really cares about winning in a CTF map. The games also always play out on 2fort where one team will be consistently attacking and the other will just be turtling in their base. After awhile the people who try to attack will get frustrated dying and respawning over and over and will stop attacking and will just go engineer or sniper and just play defense and both sides will eventually end up playing defense (stalemate). Cept valve tried to fix this by introducing critboost when the intel is capped (oh boy) And the people that complain about badlands/granary being played too much should also be complaining about dustbowl/goldrush/badwater since they are also just as played (if not MUCH more since people just auto rtv when one side wins a couple of rounds)
  13. i dont think my middle finger can take anymore mouse2
  14. just night from the theme plugin would be nice :3
  15. no only luck if they're not fighting someone which is when you should be coming in from a high place or uncloaking behind when no one is behind the person youre targeting. of course a good spy isnt going to go for the player that is constantly doing 180s as he's traveling to the frontlines. good players cant spy check when they're engaged in battle so it doesn't matter how good they are only how lucky they get when strafing when youre coming in for the backstab but thats as lucky as someone strafing the other way when you lead with projectiles.
  16. spy doesnt capitalize on luck it capitalizes on scenarios where the enemy team is either dumb enough to not spycheck/hear you uncloak or distracted on the frontlines where they are too busy fighting to check their backs. a bad spy will go in for the kill and not account for what will happen after he makes the stab. a good spy will always account for this and so will not take a chance when he cant predict what will happen and where the enemy will be positioned after the kill. this way a good spy lives longer and is able to find more situations where he can make stabs whereas the bad spy is left respawning and having to go past the front line again which takes very long and one more thing a good spy looks for is a place he can retreat to and ready for another stab. this is usually a place with height because although competent players check their backs and look around them they dont nearly as often look above them when traveling to the front lines.
  17. let's scrim everyday!!!!!!!!! nice video!
  18. prob one of them crashed the server w/ deadringer so you should just ban them all incase they decide to come back and do it again
  19. lol there's no way chives is serious with all that lions talk but i will admit the joke's getting beaten to death
  20. lol ban them all? really? you guys are better than that
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