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Posts posted by RDX

  1. oh okay thanks!
    fine, touche. my comeback would have to be something along the lines of get a job you bum i guess.

    also gamespot gave it a 7.5. wut. apparently this control thing is a big issue, but i don't think that warrants a low score when your peers obviously can get it to work just fine. this is why the gaming industry can't have nice things.

  2. You know, I really wish I hadn't watched that trailer that was released after Comic Con that had way too many bosses in it. I wish companies would stop doing that, but I should've just not watched anything after the initial E3 one.

    Oh well..I really don't like how some of the reviews are though. Especially the EGM one. If you don't know how to play the game, you probably shouldn't be writing a review of it.

    i really want this game but i don't really want to pay 70 bucks to play it seeing as i don't already have wii motion plus
    It's 20 more dollars, unless you have no cash inflow it's not even a big deal.
  3. Yep, check it out, it's on their front page:


    At first they were raising money for the sake of hiring a high quality, professional choir. But then they made about $6,000 in extra cash and I'm guessing they used that amount to hire more people. That's what they imply, anyway. I guess that's questionable, but it's really not all that bad.

    And now they've been accepting donations, and they've made about $7,000. I guess since they're donations, again not really a big deal. But it still rubs me the wrong way. Though that's quite the dedicated/insanely rich fanbase they have there. They've raised like $30,000, total.

  4. Interesting episode. I don't have much to add on the topic, so I won't, but one thing did strike me.

    I was intrigued by the short bit on "Anti-Japan War Online". Specifically, the phrase used to describe it's setting: "the 1937-1945 conflict between Japan and China". To most people, this conflict is better known as World War II. China was one of the Allies during WWII, and its people suffered horribly during the Japanese invasion, during which the Japanese army committed numerous atrocities against the Chinese people, including the Rape of Nanking (during which hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and POWs were murdered and tens of thousands of women were systematically raped) -- most of which modern-day Japan still publicly refuses to accept responsibility for.

    Now think about how many WWII games there are. Do Americans get tired of killing Nazis? Not really -- it's easy to feel good about playing as a member of the righteous liberators fighting against a group of people who were responsible for genocide. Hey, wait, that applies to the Republic of China fighting the Imperial Japanese Army, too!

    Not that I'm actually defending the game. I'm sure it's loathsome. But my point is that it struck me how a video about games as propaganda would use such a euphemistic phrase to refer to WWII and imply that the game is bad just because it has Chinese people killing Japanese people, when there's at least as much (and probably more) justification for having Chinese games about the Japanese invasion of China than there is for having American games about the Allied invasion of Europe. Hell, there's plenty of American games about the eastern front -- the Soviet Union (also communist!) fighting against Nazi Germany -- and people are generally okay with looking at the Russians as the "good guys". But not the Chinese, apparently.

    I just thought that was interesting, is all.

    I love you for writing this.

    I didn't even make that connection. I'm at that stage in my life where I'm very, very concerned about being politically correct and seeing both sides of the coin. It's really difficult to break out of the mindset we all got put in from taking all those history classes growing up, with their obvious American slant and nationalist undertones. They formulate this ideology of superiority that allows us to turn a blind eye to the things we condemn other countries for doing that we do quite blatantly ourselves. It's really quite interesting, though it's really hard to put into words...

    I really think that's the issue with taking on a teacher role. Because as the audience, we really don't know any better. And I don't think the Extra Credits crew had any mal-intent while writing this episode. But it really spreads this doctrine of hypocrisy that is honestly a problem, even though it's unintentional.

  5. How can you not like this? Seriously. I don't think this will be polarizing -- it's way too good.

    I think the most common complaint with vocal remixes is that the execution is usually pretty poor and the lyrics are either poorly written or try too hard to be relevant to the game. This on the other hand, is different. It's kind of like when KatetheGreat submitted that FF9 remix a couple years back (Has it been a couple years now?), except better.

    This sets a new standard for future vocal mixes, I think.

    (Edit: ok i didn't really pay attention to the lyrics. they're pretty cheesy, but I don't think that detracts from the overall sound of the remix.)

  6. Is there any way to refund the money? I'm no economist, but I think you should offer to give back the money to anyone who wants it back who doesn't support the publishing label idea. That's what I think would be idealistically correct, however I don't know how or if that would work logistically. I would nitpick and say that there was probably some way to end the Rockethub drive, but there's no way you could've predicted the outcome of all this so I don't blame you for not going out of your way to do it. I'd also say that posting the idea on facebook and twitter isn't enough publicity and that you should've added it at the end of one of your episodes, but I say that all in hindsight. I find it hard to blame you guys, but I also find it difficult to side with you, so I guess now that I've made my point of view clear I don't really have much more to say.

    Best of luck with your future ventures, as long as the show doesn't get cancelled whatever else happens is none of my concern :P

  7. Here's the thing though. If they had said "We're gonna made a publishing company with the extra cash" right up front, that would be one thing. But they didn't. And even if some of the people are happy with it, it's still not the right course of action to take.

    Everyone who donated up until they said what they were going to do with the extra money did so for Allison, her rehab after surgery, and hiring guest artists. That's it. The moment the EC folks said they were going to start publishing indie games with the extracredits.pngmoney, they began using the money for something other than what it was intended for. You simply don't do that, and I'd be willing to wager it stands a very good chance of being a strong point that can be used against the EC crew if this actually winds up in court. After all, if EC can make a publishing company, why couldn't the escapist ask, "Can I get some of it too?" (assuming The Escapist did indeed bring that idea up).

    Keep in mind, I'm not taking either side in this. Seems to me both of them have made mistakes over the course of this donation drive's lifespan. And until we get facts that both sides agree on, it's hard to see who's in the right or wrong regarding where things stand right now. That said, I do think EC made a sizable mistake in continuing to take money, and not coming up with a plan from the get go on how to handle any extra money (and thus, be able to tell the donators of that plan).

    This is basically what I wanted to say originally. It just doesn't look too good for the Extra Credits crew, it's really hard to sympathize with what they did. Love the show, but I think they made the wrong choice.
  8. I'm really curious about what Sephire has to say. At the moment James is clearly in the wrong, he had no right to take the excess money and use it for his own personal gain when the fund was clearly set up for Allison's surgery. They should've stopped donations after they raised enough to pay for the costs of her surgery and left it at that. I don't think the people who donated their cash for Allison's sake would be happy knowing that James used it to make his own publishing label. I mean seriously, how do you defend that? He didn't even tell anybody.

    I've been watching Extra Credits since their Youtube days, and in general I think most of the other shows on the Escapist suck, so it's not like I have a bias or anything. When I first heard what happened I thought "Wow, they're being a bunch of greedy bastards" but now that I know more about the situation, my perspective has changed entirely. Since the Escapist paid him back the money he's due, I don't think he has anything to stand on.

  9. I've already posted in this thread, but I just want to say that I really appreciated how short the album was. I can't appreciate a 50 track album, I stop caring around track 6, and then usually I don't even finish the album. That's why real bands don't dump 40 track albums on their fans (Aside from not having time...). Look at Plastic Beach, for example. A common complaint I saw amongst the critics was that it was too long and had little direction, which is definitely true, in my opinion at least.

    So good job on keeping it low, even if it was just because the original game only had so many tracks :-)

  10. he makes some good points about the gaming media generally being terrible, IGN at the forefront of that, but a lot of it also comes off as a bitter fanboy diatribe where he seems to think that anyone being critical of nintendo here can't also be fans(or that there's anything wrong with not being a nintendo fan to begin with...)
    Yeah, I got that too. It's funny, anytime some company does something arguably "wrong", and then a ton of people step up and start criticizing that company, people jump on that bandwagon. Then another third party pops up and says that the people criticizing the company are really full of garbage, and whether they give a plausible solution or just bitch for 5 pages, people eat that up too. They say "This is the best article I've read on the issue so far mister, you know your stuff".

    It's kind of sad, really.

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