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Prophet Orwell

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Everything posted by Prophet Orwell

  1. Sporknight's roommate here... DrexHex is my ID.
  2. Don't lie, we're your only friends.
  3. I'm a definite. Abso-fucking-lutely.
  4. Anyone who likes training maps might want to check out tr_walkway:
  5. Here's one of the competitors' Work-In-Progress video: EDIT: Here's the guy's project page with more information and videos: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~rb1006/projects:marioai
  6. Saw this on reddit and thought I'd share...
  7. Sorry for the double-post, but I had to share this crop of a screenie I got a while ago but never bothered to upload... You're still babies...
  8. Here's a link to what should be the map: http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/68736 Also: In before 5000
  9. I also use a tablet in class and a desktop at home. Although I don't use the tablet as much as I'd like, it did come in handy during those few classes when my professor had the rule "no laptops in class." There hasn't been a single problem with me using the tablet in those classes, since it's easy to tell that it's only being used for taking notes. The laptop also helps with getting through work without hanging myself with an ethernet cable. It also helps that the entire campus is wifi-enabled. The desktop is used primarily for gaming and projects. I also recommend dual-screen on the desktop. Having research open in one of the screens and the paper in the other is a godsend. ------ I tend to disagree with class restrictions. What if the server decides to have fun and sniper huntsman rush? Or scoot rush? Or what if we want to play hide and seek?
  10. Sounds like a ROADTRIP... except I think Sporknight works on Saturday mornings... and neither of us have transportation...
  11. There's a joke here somewhere... Also, hello person I get mistaken for in IRC.
  12. A good friend of mind played Morrowind so long that while he was working at a bookstore he tapped his finger on a pile of books twice. It took him a few seconds to realize why he was unable to pick up the stack of books. As for me, it happens with Lumines, Tetris, WoW, TF2 (I look for things to set on fire, or alternate routes of flanking someone, or even prime sentry locations), and DDR mainly.
  13. Since I'm a hop skip and jump away from Brushfire (and even closer to Level99 - almost creepily close), I have no problem with the above idea. Also, if there are more than 10 people that need a place to sleep I can just come to hang out and then go home for the night without any big issues and come back the next morning. If the need arises, I can also discuss a "sleepover" with my 'rents for a night. Who knows, they might even be camping that weekend.
  14. Wednesdays I'm not free until (usually) around 9, depending if I hang out after class. Saturdays, however, I can make without an issue. I approve of Wed/Sat
  15. Sorry I missed the scrim. I have an exam tomorrow that I needed to study for. I'll be at the next one, though!
  16. Read this on reddit... Manhunt is played with a RED team of Engineers, that have the set-up period (60 seconds) to build a level one sentry and a single Spy on the BLU team, going around sapping/stabing the engineers. Engineers, do not upgrade your sentries past level 1. You may however build dispensers and teleporters. When the spy makes a kill, that person must then join his team as a spy. This is continued until no engineers on BLU are left. The last engineer alive will get to be the starter spy for the next round. --- We'd have to wait for someone able to change the server settings for it to work, though, to get rid of autobalance and whatnot.
  17. Abyss: Does it beep at all when you turn it on? If so, sounds like a video card issue. If not, it could be anything. Reseat the RAM first (take it out and put it back in). If that fails, take out the battery (looks like a large watch battery) on the motherboard for 15 seconds and put it back in. Make sure you ground yourself before touching anything. Check all the wires too.
  18. Thought I'd share this with y'all HEAVY IS JETPACK: and HEAVY IS COW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd3UU9_Xq1M
  19. The only nights I'm not available are Monday-Wednesday. Sunday I'm back from work at 5:30
  20. If you're desperate and I'm not too terribad for y'all I'd get in on it
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