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Posts posted by Fureddi

  1. Not a problem. Tracks that are played on itunes with a scrobbler are automatically put on the database if its not already there, which means there is always going to be tracks with incorrect info scrobbled, but as you pointed out, the tracks with correct tagging will dwarf the ones that don't in plays. Just look at tracks from ANYONE. Look up the beatles and you'll find tracks scrobbled with incorrect info. Thats just last.fm for ya.

    Am sensing that is also why the InMe album I had was like that... tho that may have actually been my mistake as I had no internet when I ripped the album and misspelt "Guardian" before I uplodaded... :S

    Anyway, that all aside, nice work on your track, I do enjoy your work non-album or album WillRock :)

  2. Basically the issue is this: all the track titles on the album (official download) are in the format "Song Name (source song name)", such as: Aggressive Blue Magic (Strago), etc. The album tracklist on last.fm is missing the parentheticals at the end (so just Aggressive Blue Magic) - this is the case with every single song, as far as i can tell. I don't know which format people around here consider as "proper", but for scrobbling consistency, the track names should exactly match the file title tags. Notice that on the album page, the "number of listeners" for each song is very low - but if you go to the song page for any of the properly-tagged tracks (like here), the number of listeners is in the hundreds.

    Maybe it's your copy, my tagging from looking at the properties has it fine... then again last.fm could be pulling the wool over my eyes and autocorrecting like it does with one of my InMe tracks which is spelt wrong on last.fm =/

  3. I have one last comment concerning the album - whoever entered the album's info on its last.fm page, put in track names which are *completely* inconsistent with the track name tags from the official download. As a result, at least 99% of the plays for this album in the last.fm community aren't actually counting towards plays for the album or OCRemix. I have no idea who can fix this, but someone should address it.

    Without having my Pen Drive with my copy of balance and ruin with me I can't check in full detail but it looks fine to me, unless someone else beats me to it (as I'm not going to be at my computer till Saturday night at the earliest,) I'll investigate fuller when I get home.

  4. A Face Unforgotten - CLAIMED BY katethegreat19 We have now three truly AWESOME female vocalists on this website. This is one of those three.

    Disc 4

    You're Not Alone! - CLAIMED BY Josh Whelchel / Poolside

    Melodies of Life ~ Final Fantasy - CLAIMED BY Jovette Rivera / Isao

    These three have so much potential, not just based on the tracks but also (in kate and Poolside I refer) but artist potential. I adore "The Rose General" by katethegreat19, and "Shine Tonight" by Poolside so to see these two working on FF9 stuff is great.

    Melodies of Life sends a shiver down my spine so I look to that with baited breath.

    But overall, yes, the bar from 6 is now set ultra high, but I've seen the improvement growing in OCR albums since DKC2 (which was great despite never playing it), with Speed of Sound and so on.


  5. It's funny to go back and look at your save files and see who your friends were at the time. My FFT memory cards are like little friendship time capsules.

    My PSP mem card and my iPad save look completely the same... I still have the same friends... wow. How'd I manage that?

  6. I personally like being able to pop in and out, throw a song into an album or whatever, and do my own thing the rest of the time.

    This is my take but from a "consumer" point of view. I'm not hassled or pushed into getting every track, or every album so I pick and choose the tracks from games I know (I get every album because I like discographies :))

    In terms of "marketablity" and such, the only purefire way to drive up numbers would be to start releasing stuff for commerical radio (imo some of the stuff here is 10x better than the trash on BBC Radio 1 etc) but, OCR is very niche and that's the problem. Niche doesn't sell (or attract) anyone those outside the niche.

    I looks as tho it's a bit of a catch-22. But hey, you got me hooked for 8 years that can't be bad seeing as I listen to mostly prog right?

  7. I've said it for years: People are getting spoiled. We've all been at this for over a decade, and the newness of it has worn off, now it's all about the relatively few diehard fans who have stuck by all this time, and the fleeting waves of younger kids who discover this scene and then move on.

    It's definitely not the same as it used to be, and it's a shame because we, the artists, are spending big chunks of our lives refining our craft, learning anything and everything we can, spending a LOT of money on gear and continually striving to get better. Most of the fans don't realize that it's a completely thankless way to spend 90% of you free time (not even OCR thanks us for being on their albums).

    I really wish everyone had the same appreciation and overall mentality as the kickstarter backers do, but that's not how the world works.

    Hmm.. Well I've pretty hardcore, having been around since 2005... Just didn't donate to the kickstarter, I was out of work when it started and got pulled due to SEs little profit panic when I was in work

  8. Eleven people before me said "Chrono Trigger". It's a game that you must play and beat.

    Is it a jRPG again tho? It's the same guys from FF and I never considered them to be jRPGs mainly as the old(er) ones had some awesome story :D

  9. yea, the irreverent comment is a pretty crappy example.

    What I mean to say is that there is a less of a focus on straight drama in jrpg's. The comic relief is overblown and it seems is often used to take emphasis away on the building of tension. Probably b/c there are a lot of crappy storylines out there that just don't build and keep you interested. With Jrpgs, I always get the feeling, especially in regards to current trend, that the sense of comic relief is Way WAY over the top to the extent that it becomes pretty ridiculous and takes a lot of gravity away from storyline and character developments and situations in-game, in my opinion. I think that quality very much defines a certain trend when it comes to jrpgs. The humor often seems really out of place and takes no care in developing the story. I typify that as irreverence but maybe that wasn't the right word for what I am getting at ..

    I see what you are saying... based on this I wouldn't still class M-RPG as a jRPG because it's Mario... without sounding like a clueless jerk, need I say more?

    But for a proper reason, Mario isn't a shining example of this anyway. There's no real tension or comedy in the game anyway, he just ambles along mindlessly getting coins and rescuing princesses.

  10. It is very japanese in that the sense of humor is fairly irreverent, .

    I wouldn't use this as a point, because, us British have some fairly irreverent styles of comedy, and don't get me started on American adult cartoon shows.

    I played Mario RPG on an Emulator once upon a moon, and to be fair, it is quite different from what I had played at the time, but, I don't think it quite is a true "JRPG", it doesn't strike me such compared to say, Disgaea, or some other game I once had on PSP but I can't remember the damned name of...

  11. For some one who has been on this site for nearly 10 years, I would of expected a lot more of a maturer response. You're not setting a very good example for this website, nor for a lot of the talented individuals who have worked so hard to create some excellent pieces of work, which I have had the pleasure to listen to.

    To me, such a dignified and well thought out response to a bit of unfortunate "trolling" for lack of a better phrase makes you seem serious. Therefore I'm sure summat will come around, there are some exceptional talent around here.

    I understand your comment about budget and economy mate, I really do. Maybe an extra £50-100 might entice someone if it can be spared but I'm sure people will understand if not.

    Me? I'm not skilled in production at all, so I can't say I'm tempted. But still, as before, good luck.

  12. It's a climate that has changed considerably over the past few years - applies to mixposts in the same way. You'd be lucky if a single track gets 10 posts in its own thread in a day right now. From personal experience, the response in comparison to mixposts from 6-8 years ago and mixposts now is that currently there's fewer reactions but are much less rabid in nature (i.e. you can still criticise it but you won't go as far as being a moron about it).

    And of course there's the social networks as well. People still browse from the many social feeds out there and offer their thoughts there too, without much of a need to sign up. It's a change in climate, nothing wrong on the album's part at all - we did what we could at the end of the day.

    What is good (and bad) about other forms of Social Network is this exact thing, you don't have to sign up to give your views. I sent a few tweets on the first few days lavishing my praise for B&R before I came plodding onto the forums. Equally there are probably a few who have been doing the opposite (i.e., using Twitter to flame B&R) and because they don't need to sign up to here they can use Facebook/Twitter etc to their vitriolic heart's content... sadly.

    Side note, back to thoughts on the content of the album, I've just listened to the Omen set again. What a fantastic piece of work by Snapple, norg and Captain Finnbeard. As a fan of Prog Rock this certainly reminds me of some of the classic tracks from there in it's structure and, despite not using a media player that allows gapless playback right now (Am using VLC at work as that's all my laptop has got apart from WMP), it effortlessly seems together. I will pass this on to the station I used to DJ (and play other OCR tracks on) to see what they think, am sure they'll like it too :)

  13. When I think back to when VotL(ol) was released, there was a ton more response from the internet. This time around the response is much much more positive than with VotL, but there's much less of it

    Perhaps, but I say those people who hate on VotL can get off my internet and meet a Tifa fist headfirst...

    But I can see the point of view, joke aside. It would be amazing to be able to actually buy this stuff but I think, to an end, that would upset them upstarts over at SquareEnix quite a tad (hence the original delay and the issues with the kickstarter back at the turn of the year). So to be in the position you all are in now, is pretty crediable.

    And yeah, the major thing about OCR is it's done by volunteers as a hobby, not as a job, so you can't expect the same tightly wound package of PR, release, etc as you would do if this was say, Roadrunner Records releasing the new Slipknot album. So, to that end, I'm pretty stoked with the work you all do, album in album out, because it's always good quality.

    Anywho, Ravenos Ramble done until the next post I make I suppose.

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