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Jared Hudson

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Posts posted by Jared Hudson

  1. EDIT: My first true attempt at house, mainly trying to get my mixing and production skills up to par. This is mainly a bunch of influences, anywhere from Kaskade, Madeon, Porter Robinson, and maybe some Deadmau5. I'm not the world's best mixer, but it will be done professionally in a studio here in NYC.

    EDIT UPDATE: Song is pretty much finished, but as a rough mix. Full mixing and mastering will come later.

    New title: Enforcer


  2. this idea seemed like it warranted a new thread, sorry if that's not true

    I didn't take any pictures myself because I don't really care for them, but I do have a promo video of my performance for anyone who missed out

    I didn't get to hang out with like, anyone from OCR and I was pretty mad at myself for it, so I'd love to see photos of what all you guys were up to on the 9th floor... gettin crazy I'm sure :nicework:

    maybe this will help us deal with our Post-MAG depression

    You did a great job. I pulled some muscles raving a bit too hard. :lol:

    Here's some videos we were able to shoot during the event. Sorry about some of the audio in interviews.



  3. Until I see the hardware specs that allowed this to be done in-engine, in real-time, this may as well be pre-rendered footage.

    Until then, I'm skeptical of any claims of real-time.

    It's not that hard to believe. You can distinctly tell by the anti-aliasing, particle effects, shadows, hair, etc. It doesn't look "perfectly" pre-rendered, but it's still amazing.

    Look at Beyond Two Souls (makers of Heavy Rain) that was announced at E3, and it's current gen on PS3.

  4. lolwat.

    People are picking it apart because this tech demo hasn't fixed the problem with squareenix's games. The issues they've had recently are with story, gameplay, and the like - not graphics. Hence the reason this thread isn't full of OMGGRAFICSSOKEWLOMG. The game industry doesn't NEED better graphical capabilities; yes, it's impressive, and yes, its great to see the technical leaps and bounds that game companies are making, but it's not what JRPGs (or really any other eastern game company) need to get them out of the decline they've been having over the years.

    Basically what i'm saying is, If i wanted to see something pretty i'd look at art. What I want to see is a playable tech demo on the show floor that everyone can play on something that I can buy eventually.

    I suppose it's the perspective of how we see this tech demo. I'm seeing it from the graphical triumph. If you're talking about Square-Enix quality of "gaming", I agree with you. FF13 pretty much killed the franchise for me, and their games have hit this "gameplay cheese" era. The stories suck, and the formula has been recycled too much.

    Graphics wise though....holy shit.

  5. You people are so spoiled. Hard to please? This isn't an actual game? "SCREW THEM!"

    This is impressive no matter how you slice it. It's a game engine showing the BEST cinematics the industry has ever seen. Who cares if it's on this generation or next gen of systems. THEY ACHIEVED A LANDMARK GOAL. YES you should be excited for this, because it's where the industry is going. Tech demo or not, this should raise interest, not diminish it.

    You people only see what's in front of you and pick it apart. There's no speculation, anticipation, or excitement. Pathetic.

  6. I felt compelled to give this a quick review and shout out. Somebody listens to Dream Theater! The influence I hear is uncanny. The production and performance on this is top notch, and would argue it's one of the top guitar rock / progressive rock pieces in all of OCR's history. That's quite a compliment, considering there are 1000's of remixes.

    Not sure if you did line-in, or live mic for this. Regardless, I'll still say keep it live if you can! The sound is so much purer and unique doing so! Great drum programming, song structure, and flow. Congratulations on a fantastic piece of music. :nicework:

  7. Something a friend and I made years ago in college. Had my studio, his guitar, and a lot of beer. I always wanted to make something cheesy epic fun like this, thinking it was for a racing game or something. This isn't considered a finished song by any standards. We just wanted to get it hammered out! Even threw in some vocal stuff later in the song for more fun!

    BEWARE OF SHREDDING! (starts going crazy at 1:10)


  8. While I think this has potential to be an amazingly hot track, I feel as far as House goes, my ear is wanting to hear a better flow with Michael singing, and the slamming beat, with a more constant rhythm and sync. The daft-punk style over compressed sound, and random breakdowns have their qualities, but I wouldn't overdo it. MJ already wrote a great song, so don't completely drown him out of the picture. :D

    Overall, it is still sounding hot, but I'd streamline the compression and steady beat a bit more, especially the main chorus.

  9. So more melody would some how ruin it's energy yet a singer would make it better. The singer is supposed to make it better, but the singer sings melodies. Paradox.

    If your singer can not hit every damn note you need a better singer. One who has taken lessons and practices hard. If you have one nasty note that brings the song to it's knees, it's because you don't know what you're doing and/or not skilled enough with the instrument. Also, most pitches are naturally very slightly sharp or flat, but not necessarily noticeable separately. When you play your guitar, how hard you press the string down can and does ever so slightly alter pitch. Another example is that when you have a string section "in tune" they are not completely, "in tune". There are very minor differences, maybe only micro-tones, but it is still important.

    The extremely minor differences in pitch are an important part of what makes it real. If you use auto-tune, you kill that. I understand that this is often desirable in electronica; to make the voice sound like a synth.

    but back in the day, there were many people who could sing without "500 takes per bar", vocal tuners did not exist and they could still "keep the song together" just fine.

    End rant.

    I agree with this, thinking of the days of Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, with no need of a vocoder or auto-tune bullshit. We can thank Cher for setting the new trend.

    The conditions you speak of are ideal recording scenarios. If he has no money to PAY a talented singer, or can only find a "really good one", that should be fine, especially if the singer he finds is the style he needs. Unless you're a professional recording artist in the field, the shopping list for professionals isn't as big, or even there on no budget.

    All I'm saying is in the realistic perspective, if he can find a GOOD singer in the proper style, and only needs minor Melodyne adjustments, then it's totally worth it. If the singer can hit the notes 90% of the time, the digital transformation will be barely audible, if at all, even to the trained ear. I'm thinking purely production value at the moment. However, I do appreciate, as much as anyone, pure talent, and without the need of software to make them sell records.

  10. Agreed with this

    No...just no. If you require Melodyne on the voice for any reason, you do not have a good singer. The fact that stuff like that exists is why legitimately good singers are fading

    False, it's mastering. I do agree that SOME people use these plugins as a crutch for talent. However, if you're putting out an album, sometimes you still need to use it for 5%-10% for perfection. That one flat or sharp note can really break a song. There are good singers, and GREAT singers. I don't see him getting Alicia Keys for this. I see this as a mastering tool, nothing more, nothing less.

  11. If you REALLY want to amp it up, find yourself a good female singer, run it through Melodyne for pitch mastering, and get some nice harmonized vocals in there. Could be an epic track.

    "rain is the rhythm of the sky" la la la

    shit like that. Could be HOT

    For the style of vocals, check out the artist Haley. She has her own record, but has done lots of recording with Kaskade.

  12. Ozone is amazing. I use that as well. Interesting that Ableton has that much power for this genre. The synths are nice. I'm still slightly old school tinkering with Omnisphere and some Kontakt 4 stuff, but may look into plugins like Massive. I may have to take a look at the Nomad plugins. Panning is always a nice trick for spacial fields as you said.

    BTW, have you submitted your Chemical Zone remix to OCR? That's a hot track (maybe adjust the outro like a Deadmau5 or Kaskade song, so it can transition well for a DJ, rather than the 80's style fadeout).

  13. Sounds good. Very Kaskade, slightly Deadmau5. Excellent production. I'm curious as to what you use for mixing and mastering, and what plugins you mainly focus on (compression settings, EQ, anything else). I've heard a few of your tunes on soundcloud. This is a style you excel in. I recommend you push forward in this genre as hard as you can. :D

    By your post, I'm assuming you used Ableton for sequencing and production?

  14. Very nice update. Things I hear about the piano still though......do you have EQ running on it? As in, did you slice all the bottom end? It doesn't feel as warm as Malmsjo should sound. Don't chop out that bottom end, or at least give it more! Adding a smooth base line with the piano also adds tons of warmth. I also feel you could run the pedal on the piano a little more for smoother lines, but that will be a delicate touch to make sure it doesn't wash altogether. My 2 cents. Sounds great!

    Side Note: Experiment with the velocities on the piano. Sometimes lowering a note from 80 to 70 can give you a whole different attack or feel, depending on the sample set. Then you can bump the volume a tad if needed.

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