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Murmeli Walan

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Posts posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. Right after Nintendo Power died, a group of journalists/writers/bloggers/artists in the Nintendo community and created Nintendo Force Magazine, the spiritual successor to NP. After a successful first year, they're turning to Kickstarter to fund the printing of their second year and also organize subscriptions for the next year. I just checked out the current issue and really enjoyed it. There's was a great article/interview about Shovel Knight and even a two page spread on Project M! I think it carries the legacy of NP pretty well and was a very entertaining and informative read on it's own.


  2. I can't get the launcher to connect to my wi-fi for some reason, but yay for new version! (which is actually 3.01, not .02)

    Download the launcher again, it was stealth updated to fix the wi-fi issues. And there is a 3.02, it was also stealth launched to fix a problem with Kirby's Lucario hat freezing him in place when trying to cancel out of Aura Sphere. It also moves all the names on the CSS back in proper place now that the color selection bars are gone (which I'm kinda bummed about, actually).

  3. Despite whatever preconceived notion or reputation you might have heard about it, video game fans should check out Ian Flynn's run on Sonic the Hedgehog, starting with issue #160. He's really done a great job in shaping the comic into a very entertaining action packed all-ages book with light dramatic moments and excellent dialog. He even manages to make awful Sega characters like Shadow and Silver the Hedgehog into likable characters. Speaking of Archie, their recent Mega Man comic is also worth a look. While still following the art style, plot, and characterization of Mega Man, the book expands on ideas and ethnics of robotics while still remaining light-hearted. For example, in this month's issue (#13), Dr. Light and another character engage in a five-page debate on whether or not emotional attachment should be allowed towards advanced intelligence and the concept of a machine having a soul. It's well written, with neither Dr. Light nor the other professor in the debate being seen as having a wrong opinion. The question is left up to the reader to decide who they think is right. That's pretty deep stuff for a video game tie-in kids' comic.

    People who follow me on Twitter know that I really enjoy comics, and I often post photos of bizarre comics that I find at flea markets and conventions. My collection isn't massive, and it's also very strange, but if there's interest, I'll post some pics here, too.

  4. I already made my long rambling love post regarding Magfest on another forum, so here's the short version: this was my favorite Magfest yet. The concerts were awesome, the people I met and saw again were awesome, everything was awesome. I love all of you crazy people.

    Also Uematsu signed my copy of Rad Racer and I am SO giddy about it.

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