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Posts posted by GrayLightning

  1. Pretty decent. There's not much going on here. It's way too repetitive. It just repeats the same sections over and over with the same drumloop.

    Not a bad mix, but this needs a lot more arrangement and change ups. Also try panning to spread the sounds and make them more distinct. It all sounds centered with not enough definition of the instruments. Keep at it.


  2. Very nice beats, but beyond that there's almost nothing going on here. Most of the mix it's just one dull lead and bass playing. Occasionally harmonic content joins in to break up the monotony. It's too sparse sounding. Tiny bass, and tiny leads don't work when a mix is this empty.

    If you're going to do a mix of this nature, I think it needs some kind of vocals on top of it. Right now it sounds very lacking compositionally.

    Again, good drum/percussion work, but beyond that there isn't much else. This needs a lot more work.


  3. Nothing too daring, but this is quite enchanting. I really like nigel's originals, I think his remixes are far less complex. I'm not sure why that is? But this is a work of a person who understands his orchestration. These are actually pro samples and used very well for this style.

    Decent arrangement, very good orchestration, good production. Good work Nigel. Now get your remixes to sound like your originals and we'd have much stronger work.


  4. Nice arrangement, decent production. Pretty cool at some parts. At others it's a little too sparse, which doesn't translate well for this genre. I also find it a bit muddy and very dry. I think this needs a bit more reverb and also more EQ work in the mid to high frequencies to clarify the mix. Better effects processing and mixing, mastering could make this mix stand out much more.

    I'm unsure of this, so I'll be coming back to this later.

    Edit: Too sparse and the production is definitely an underachiever. I believe LU uses a triton - which should be capable of far more than this. Whatever it is, borderline NO from me. A little more work and this could be much better.

  5. This is one of your better mixes sykotik. I agree with darke this has too much reverb on the piano. This is saying something since darke and I love big wet reverbs. Like, darkesword I don't think length is an issue here. Also there's quite a bit of clipping. Please fix the clipping!

    Nice work, but there's enough issues here to get a borderline NO.

  6. Congratulations to all those involved for pulling off something like this.

    Pretty unique mix, for what it is. Outside the solid rap work, the background material is very lacking and repetitive. A sign of a good rap arrangement would need to have strong supporting material, like the two mixes prot mentioned. To me this feels more like a piece of music inspired by rather than an arrangement of.

    OCR's position on these kinds of mixes have been summed up by the previous votes.


  7. Im sorry, im stubborn, and i cant write a review on this. I have seen far to many ff remixes. People, you need to try something different. FINAL FANTASY HAS BEEN DONE... ABOUT 1000 TIMES, JUST LIKE SO MANY ZELDA SONGS.

    Instead of complaining about how there's so many Final Fantasy mixes, why don't some of you review others? A lot of people complain we mixers mix too many Sonic or Chrono Trigger, yet when we do mixes for lesser known games no one reviews it. There's so many mixes that aren't Sonic, Zelda, CT or FF that are not getting any reviews. If you want more variety, show your support for other types of mixes instead of whining.

  8. I don't really agree with the development comments. It does develop well for the electro-new age genre it's intending to be.

    It reminds me of tangerine dream, vangelis and jarre, with more agressive synths. I personally would have liked softer sounding synths. More sines and synth flutes. I also would have liked a fuller snare here with some middle depth.

    The mix works. YES

  9. My biggest problem here is panning and lack of EQ separation. Instruments combine with each other too much. Panning instruments further away from center would be a good idea. You also encoded this too high, we have a 192kbps bitrate limit.

    I love the style of this. There are very few mixes of this style at OCR. I hope you decide to work on this a little more and polish it up.

    Borderline NO.

  10. I kind of like this. The reverb works for me, except when the kick/bass drum kicks in *no pun intended*. It is pounding and painful to listen to especially on headphones. Use different reverb amounts on bass instruments, especially low drums like that. Has potential with a lot more work.


  11. A solid effort, with interesting rhythmic additions and harmonic alterations. More attention to mixing and mastering details, along with more consistent arrangement presentation would kick this one up several notches. With such a familiar and overmixed tune, you've really gotta stand out. This has the potential to do so, but it needs a much cleaner demeanor. Polish this pig, resubmit.



    I agree. This is also much better than your last submission. Take DB's advice and I would give this a yes. Borderline NO.

  12. Great composition, and even better arrangement. Love the instrumentation and synths. You made good use of Reason's marcato strings.

    I have two complaints here. There's almost no dynamics, everything is very strong. Second, the snare is a bit thin. It has a lot of high end, I think it would have sounded better with some middle frequencies. Hihats or whatever they cut through the mix a little too much. These are minor and personal preference issues though.

    Strong work! YES

  13. I agree with the other judges. This is very fun. I do like the phased drums. This needs more instrumentation, attention to production and less reliance on loop drums and fx. Melody is a bit weak and dull. Try focusing on making a better lead, better instrument change ups and better instrumental combinations. Try doubling or trippling instruments to combine for stronger leads.

    There's really nothing wrong with the mix. It just comes off as inexperienced and standard. This needs more creative planning and execution to make the mix stand out. Not a bad mix for what it is, but it needs much more. Keep at it.


  14. I agree with vigilante and daniel. But to me the question is is it a good arrangement and is it technically passable?

    But that isnt the question at all. Just because the sequencing isnt bad and it isnt the same as the spc doesnt mean we should post it. just because there's nothing techincally wrong with the song doesnt make it a good song.

    At times it's a pretty mediocre composition in terms of elements. Electronica has never had too high standards in that aspect though. Pulled off well enough to be passable.

    That's ridiculous. "theres been a lot of crappy techno on OCR in the past, and this doesnt make my ears bleed, so lets post it."

    Standards are rising!

    This is an uneventful and boring piece of music. I cant see why anyone would want to listen past the 2 minute mark.


    Let me rephrase what I just said. The compositional elements are basic compared to other genres, but that's what this particular genre calls for. As a personal statement, I found that aspect, as you did, simplistic.

    I think the greater emphasis of my judgement was on the arrangement in this case. The arrangement itself, I found pretty creative considering the source material. The mixer includes interesting expanded material here and there and competently blends it with the mixing material.

    While it may not be my personal favorite style, the mix does what it needs to. My vote was a borderline YES. I stand by my vote.

    Though, in light of mahararaj's comments, I suggest the voting continue then as it seems we are 4-3.

  15. Solid mix. I think it's sort of generic trance. I mean, when we have so much of this style, I would like to see some more innovation. Midee might call this BoomTss, BoomTss, BoomTss. I did enjoy the part at 1:50 the most.

    Not too daring, but it's a positive arrangement that works and is above the line. Next time though, try something more creative.


  16. Typical in many ways. Sounds like he's going for a dance mix the way that kick is so loud. Which is a little odd synth the mix is so stationary, there's no energy. It's too laid back.

    Next time I suggest working on the compositional aspects. Build the mix, add something unique and interesting to make it your own. More effects processing. Gating is kind of generic nowadays. Not a bad mix, but you can do more with this. Better luck next time.


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