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Posts posted by Gaunt

  1. Frogg: 94,659 34d 21:05:13h = 113.09 PPH

    Scythe: 55,560 7d 16:01:22h = 301.95 PPH

    Necro: 51,708 28d 15:22:35h = 75.15 PPH

    Me: 50,445 13d 18:57:03h = 152.40 PPH

    Miyako: 48,507 21d 05:35:41h = 96.24 PPH

    Neet: 31,614 2d 20:40:29h = 464.91 PPH

    By the way, these stats have nothing to do with skill.. they're pretty arbitrary as to how they decide what is worth what. Also my numbers are rounded a little so the PPH is not 100% accurate, I'll leave the stats for Fireslash.

  2. Double posting but I want this to get bumped so people notice.

    Team 1: Our next match is shaping up to be on Friday, October 8 at 9:30 or 10:00 PM EST. Any complaints?

    Wife's birthday. Later the better (to make sure she is fast asleep). Also, for next week: traveling for business and not available at all the night of the 12th and the night of the 14th.

  3. I hope that crate is a random drop.

    It'd be really cool if it contained items we don't know about yet.

    I got a dropped one last night. Unlocked it into a can of paint. Meh. Will trade if anyone is interested. When you get the crate, the mouse hover tells you what it can contain. Mine was something like 3-4 of the standard unlocks (sandman, backburner, etc), two different cans of paint, and two of the new hats. They make it seem just worthwhile enough to spend $2.50 on the key.

    Edit: I have a second crate. Taking offers.

  4. All right, guys, everything Brush said holds true for us. If you haven't already you need to sign up at http://etf2l.org/teams/10589/ with your Steam number, which you can get off of HLStats. Whatever name you use on the site is the one you have to use in the competition. We're tentatively named Team Overclocked Remix, tag [OCR], but that's up to change if you lot want. We also have one auxiliary slot open, so lemme know if someone would fit it well.

    Demo: Miyako

    Engineer: Gaunt

    Heavy: FROGG (signed)

    Medic: Bonzai

    Pyro: Chives (signed)

    Scout: Necro (signed)

    Sniper: Lumpy (signed)

    Soldier: FireSlash (signed)

    Spy: Chili Con Carnage (Team captain, signed)



    XeroZohar (signed)


    Bark (signed)

    Krowbar (signed)

    Done. Thank the good lord for the instructions posted earlier, they make that way more difficult than it needs to be.

  5. That's preposterous. Get out! You're banned from this historical society! You, and your children, and your children's children -- for three months.

    ok, I lied last night, I don't actually dislike you guys but there have been too many complaints about you guys teamstacking, and in the past the other admins were met with mockery when they said anything about it. Given the history, I felt that announcing my intentions should've served as warning enough, but it was (in retrospect) unfair to not give you guys a chance to de-stack, and FireSlash continues to school me on being more tactful towards regular users (in the past I banned both pubs and regulars with little regard to backlash). Furthermore, I want it to be clear that I did not ban any nQa member that wasn't present at the time, and we are not unforgiving jerkfaces, so feel free to appeal your bans but realize that I've had enough of my OCReMix friends saying they don't enjoy playing on the OCReMix server because of the new "inhabitants," and I will probably continue to be less tolerant towards team stacking.

    please don't hate me too much, but don't get up in arms if you don't get an immediate unban when you explain your position to the appropriate administrators.

    A voice of reason? On an internet forum? WHAT IS SOCIETY COMING TO????

  6. Wow you guys really have turned this into an argument for no real reason. 4 hours ago I felt like we were all in agreement, and now you've become argumentative and started name calling. Nice guy.

    I guess you are unfamiliar with the phrase "ignorance of the rule is not an excuse." So, essentially what you are saying is that it is our fault that you cannot be bothered to read the disclaimer before being able to play.

    I'm not making any excuses for anything. I didn't see any MOTD rules because I dont read them. I'm not now nor have I ever used that for an excuse for anything. I've heard your rules through other methods, I'm just pointing out that they are not stated so clearly that it is going to be obvious for everyone. On our servers we spam our rules out through in-game messages, as well as MOTD.

    You know, most servers don't prevent people from typing to the rest of the players, or chatting with their team on voice. This one even sports ALLTALK. All they have to do is ask, or gripe, the answer is not far away, and reasonable players will not even think twice about their feelings that fairness has been breached.

    Well to be perfectly honest, your alltalk is the most useless piece of shit I've ever seen (Well, maybe 2nd most useless piece of shit behind your reserved slots system). As soon as I connect to the server I have to turn off voice or mute half the people on it because of mic spamming. Do I need to hear brushfire doing play by play of a match while wasting a slot in spec? I've typed in chat and been ignored. Many times. So don't give me that bullshit.

    I find it amusing that you backpedal to this ridiculous argument after discovering that it's not a clan at all. Because, apparantly it was not fine for you until this point.

    Again, I'm not backpedaling or arguing. YOU are the one that has turned this nasty all of a sudden. One of the first times I played on this server I learned about no clan-stacking rule while being told OCR isn't a clan and therefore doesn't count. Just a bunch of guys wearing a tag playing together in a community fashion. Not a clan though. Whatever you guys need to tell yourself to make the rules fit you, it doesn't matter to me.

    You may be a great player,

    I don't particulary think so, but thanks for the complement.

    Why the hell should I care about someone who hasn't taken ten seconds in the months of play on this server to find out what the rules are. And you come here asking me to show you respect?

    Well, Jackass, you're talking to one of the few that HAS made an attempt the learn the rules, despite no one enforcing them anyway. I'm the one that moves my team away from sticky spawn camping. I'm the one that doesn't go to spec after being balanced. I'm the one that was posting here in a civilized manner until now trying to make peace. I never said I didnt learn your rules, I just said I didnt see them posted anywhere. Big difference.

    Also, I think this discussion was going much smoother when Trianine kept his mouth shut
  7. It's not hard to read the rules that pop up before a game starts. Most players are happy to let another player know if they have overstepped a rule.

    Seriously in the months I have been playing on your server, this is the first time I've ever even heard that you have the rules posted somewhere. If they are on the MOTD, its not good enough - I dont read that and I'm sure I'm not alone.

    OCR isn't a clan. It's just a tag. If you are as familiar with this group as you claim, you would know that without having to ask.

    While that might seem fine at this point, when someone is new to a server and they see a bunch of people on one team with a common tag, what do you think they will think?

  8. So no, it's not really stacking, because people who have [OCR] on their name have such a wide range of skill level and don't particularly play that well with other [OCR] folks, whereas people with nQa on their name are generally quite good and play very well with other nQa players.

    All I'm trying to say is there are plenty of people with the nQa tag that fit this description as well. We have some good people and some not so good people.

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