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Posts posted by Gaunt

  1. I feel like I need to jump in here as well. I've been lurking on these forums for a while now, before this team stacking thread even started. I think its important to point out a few things:

    Instead of arguing with the moderators about how they are persecuting you, (and accuse them of not doing their jobs) maybe you should take a look and understand that your clan is developing a bad reputation for itself here, and try to understand why. Getting in a semantic argument over the word teamstacking, is not going to prove your case. The word is irrelevant, even in the face of the server rules. When nQa guys buddy up on a team the result is often very lopsided, whether it be 2 or 10. That is the complaint against you.

    If I saw that you guys had respect for this community, and interacted with it more than just to play-to-kill, I might be singing a different tune. ZUZ receives the teamstacking complaints that you do, but are highly respected among OCR, why? For one, they actually talk to us, participate in forum conversation as well as in-game. Second, they do not blatantly shirk the rules. They do enjoy playing together from time to time, sure. When a teamscramble happens, you don't see them jumping to spectate so they can switch teams. They don't have to be reminded not to sticky camp spawn doors, no matter how silly that rule is. At one point I found myself reminding an nQa person not to do that once each day. And I had to wonder how often it happened and was not caught.

    You guys need to understand that there are almost 80 active members of nQa. Scythe-Messiah and myself have been playing on your server the longest, and I like to think the two of us have a pretty good understanding of your rules, even if we find the enforcement of them to be uneven at best. When one or more of us joins the server, we're likely to be followed by other members that happen to be online that want to play with us. This is inevitably going to lead to people joining that have never been on the server before, never heard the rules before, etc.

    And to take it a step further (and without trying to sound arrogant) some of us are going to have a much higher skill level than others. In other words, its is pretty unfair to assume that just because someone wears an nQa tag that they are going to unbalance teams one way or the other. Yes some of us play on a competitive team, but that number is a small fraction of our overall membership.

    As far as switching to spec after a team scramble and then switching back to the old team, I have a news flash for you: every time I've witnessed a scramble I've seen 2-3 people pulling this move. Sometimes its an nQa member, but for every one of those, there is another non-nQa person doing it.

    Brushfire has been happy to point out several times that even though there may be one team made up with 50% of the people wearing an OCR tag, OCR is just "a community of people that play together" so its not stacking. If you forget for a minute that that is a ridiculous statement, there are way more nQa members that fit this description then not.

    The point I'm trying to make is this: There is no need to lump us all together because we are part of a community. If you see one person repeatedly flaunting your rules, then by all means take action against that person. I think you'll find if you treat us with the same respect you are asking us to show that we will be happy to contribute to your community in a positive way.


    Since I've broken my trolling, some other comments I have about playing on your server:

    I'm beginning to think you have me confused with someone else, because while I do have a mic, I rarely talk.

    And rarely if I'm spectating, for the reasons outlined above.

    Perhaps you have me confused with Brushfire?

    I think this is probably right. Personally I am not a fan of the mic-spamming that your server seems to lend itself towards, and Brushfire is one of the biggest abusers of it. I also find him to be an overzealous admin - muting people arbitrarily, slaying people when his team loses, etc. But I just mute him and play my game in silence.

    Also, your slot reservation system, with all due respect, sucks ass. You need to hide the 25th slot on the server so that it doesn't show 24/25 slots used in the browser. By having that 25th slot visible, people can't set themselves to auto-join a game when a slot opens. All they can do is repeatedly try to join until a slot opens. Also, I think the manner in which it frees a slot is not optimal. My experience is that it will randomly kick anyone it chooses from the server when it needs to free a slot, instead of someone that is specing, or the person that connected most recently. This is extremely frustrating - when I've been playing on the server for over an hour, and then get kicked mid-round for a reservation. I speak from experience with this, having setup our reservation system and dealt with similar problems.

    Thats all I've got, if you've made it this far thanks for your time.

    Gaunt aka Bababooie aka Gloryhole aka Bag of Fail aka Sun Tzu

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