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Posts posted by ParanoidDrone

  1. Pyro changes!! It's like Christmas! Heavy changes are gonna make Frogg even more horrible.

    Overall I really like this update.

    Um, your flamethrower does less damage and afterburn is shorter with no DPS change, so only the airblast was buffed.

    But dear god you're right about the Heavy changes. 8-O

    Also I totally want to play on Freight now. Just give me an hour to get to my room and shower and I'll hop online. :P

  2. a 9800GT is practically the same card as an 8800GT. The changes are so minimal they're not worth mentioning.

    Oh, btw, fastlane isn't that bad. Keep in mind it's one map in a big rotation. Also moving pl_waste OUT and cp_coldfront IN, since nobody has told me they hate it (yet)

    If you're doing this, make it cp_coldfront_rc2. The particles are flagged as weather now, so they can be disabled in options.

    EDIT: Download link if you need it.

  3. uh that means you actually have a decent idea as to how if youre gonna be a spy that it actually should be played

    To a point. If you're just going to ignore your Knife then you should switch classes, but any halfway decent Spy needs to learn how to use their gun, yes. Revolver vs. Ambassador is irrelevant and ultimately boils down to the situations you find yourself in more often. (Or if you can headshot consistently, in which case the Ambassador has better DPS full stop except maybe at point blank range in which case why aren't you backstabbing them.)

    On an unrelated note, I think the mapcycle's messed up. We went from Gold Rush to Badwater, and I don't think Gold Rush was RTV'd to. (I know for a fact Badwater wasn't.)

  4. Not bad, Equalizer was a little too good, but fun, was hoping they'd give out another round of Cheater's Laments before I give in and start idling, guess we'll see :lol: . Sam and Max stuff just doesn't sound cool to me at all, gonna take a wild guess those items will be less common than Bill's hat but I could be way off.

    From the way they talked about it on the blog, it'll be a one-off event like Bill's Hat or Gentle Manne's Service Medal -- they don't randomly drop, and you only have a limited timeframe to get them.

    EDIT: Unless you mean fewer people will get Sam & Max than Left 4 Dead 2. In which case idklolbffjill.

  5. Minor TF2 update. Buy the new Sam & Max game before April 24 for a hat and skins for the Pistol and Revolver. Also Equalizer damage has been nerfed to only do ~100 at max power rather than 150, with appropriate scaling for the other health values.

  6. Couple of things:

    First, between finals coming up and a veritable deluge of assorted projects, I may or may not be able to play TF2 as much as I used to during the next couple of weeks. We'll see.

    Second, feel free to tell me to shut up if anyone gets tired of hearing me gripe about my terribad luck, failstabs, pathetic K/D, etc.

  7. Then you'd have a hard time adjusting to my config, then.


    At least I gave characters back eyes and teeth now. It used to be...


    So yeah, it's ugly but keeping 60 fps > pretty graphics for me. The game still keeps its overall charm for me, somehow.

    Jesus christ on a pogo stick.

    I second FireSlash's suggestion.

  8. Paranoid stole it from me and you stole it from him.

    I should point at Paranoid and laugh!

    Seriously, I might play more during the summer. Right now, school (2 programming classes) and work are taking up far too much time. The few times I do play are on weekends and when I should be doing homework.

    Only because I had the silver Revolver ribbon and wanted to get gold. Which requires earning the daily Revolver award 10 times. I have it now, so back to the Ambassador for me.

  9. Awards and ribbons get reset in Hlstatsx every 28 days or so. This means that you can snag a few global awards once the period lapses.

    I think it's more of a "rolling" time period, as opposed to discrete 28-day frames.

    For my part, I guard my global Backstab, Ambassador, and Sapper awards jealously. I had the global Revolver award for a while, but it's passed to someone else recently.

  10. I should be able to do it more than those three days a week soon, as I am moving to the 1400 - 0000 shift, but I dunno, I won't be able to stay on all night till like 0600 like I have been.

    Remind me to never get a military job. I like pretending to have a sleep schedule.

    Not that 2-12 is ideal mind you, but I've only ever pulled a single allnighter in my life, and that was the midnight release of Smash Bros. Brawl.

  11. There could be good and bad consequences to this. The good part would be that a scramble would not be activated when one team loses a match quickly during an attack/defend map such as Goldrush or Gravelpit. The bad part would be that there is no way for the regulars or randoms to fix stacked and unbalanced teams once the admins go to bed. This problem would likely show up during the late hours, around 1 AM to 4 AM depending on time zone.

    If scramble is removed I suppose we could also just talk out balancing teams and do a spectator switch. The server is Alltalk and I am usually willing to jump teams for the sake of a good game.

    Clearly, the solution is to add an Australian admin.

    (Do we even have any Australian regulars?)

  12. I'm glad someone else finally replied. I don't feel so conspicuous creating a new post now.

    Anyway, it was mentioned last week that we don't have very many customs on BLU. However, that's not exactly true.

    We have lots of customs, but only 7 or so are on the nominate list.

    Do we want to add a few of the ones we like to the nominate list and remove the ones we don't?

    For example, ones people seem to like that are there now:



    Some that are on the server but not in the nominate list that people seem to like:


    cp_follower (hate this one personally, but...)

    cp_pacman_plus_wtf (for its novelty value)





    Note: I'm not suggesting adding new maps to the server, just re-adding ones from this list back to the nominate menu.

    BLU wasn't talking to the master servers, so I restarted it after updating the logging plugin.

    Never played on Scoville before, Panic's fun, never played on Starship, Follower's fine in my book, PACMAN FUCK NO, Aerospace is good, no idea about Cave, Cranetop and Frontier I'd go along with.

    The biggest issue with customs is that they're good in small doses, but when played en masse they get really annoying really fast. That's neither here nor there though.

    EDIT: The guy who made Waste has another 5CP map out, Coldfront. Worth a try?

  13. I found "Meet the *" to be the best basic tutorials there are, actually. Easy summary of the classes, if nothing else. (Now if only they'd get to Medic and Pyro!)

    I mean, look at Paranoid. Spittin' image of Red Spy.

    The funny part is that I've cosplayed as BLU Spy before.

    Wow, I've never been accused of hacking before today. It wouldn't have been so momentous except the guy went on to call me a trisexual and then rage quit, which I found extremely humorous. Very interesting people on the server.

    Also, kind of a noobish question, but about how often am I supposed to be playing before I get random hat drops? A lot of people seem to be getting them fairly regularly when I'm on, but I have yet to get one at all. The best I've gotten so far was two item drops in one day, but usually it's closer to every three or four days. I don't feel like idling (seems kind of cheap), but I'd like to know if I'm playing enough to make a random hat drop a possibility or if I should just not worry about it.

    Trisexual = attraction towards men, women, and...animals? Vegetables? Minerals? lolwut?

    Regarding hat drops, someone worked out the details a while ago, and apparently the game rolls for items once every 25 minutes or so. Normally that's just regular items, but every...4 hours, if memory serves, you have a chance to get a hat instead. I can't remember the time at which the odds of getting at least one hat reached 50%, but I think it was somewhere in the mid hundreds.

  14. Total double post but I don't care because I got a Backbiter's Billycock fuck yeah.

    The funny part is that I got it while in a map via the map_<mapname> command from the console, not while idling or actually, you know, playing.

    That is all. <.<

  15. Yea. Also I don't usually hide by my stuff, Turbine is an exception.

    Usually I never upgrade anything and go offensive engy. You will notice me doing this if you pay attention. I have another video I'll upload here soon from harvest event that highlights this.

    I have noticed, in fact.

  16. Considering that pretty much everyone hates how much the Engineer is tethered to his buildings, I predict unlocks geared towards fungineering in the update, not turtling. Didn't they already try that with the Repair Node and decided "lolno"?

  17. Eh, give it a couple of months until the Engineer Update comes out, then we'll see.

    EDIT: Now that I've actually downloaded and watched the video...

    For starters, I sound really out of character when I rage out loud a bit past the halfway mark. And even with my volume cranked up, I can't hear myself decloaking on top of your head.

  18. If I was on, then no.

    I haven't been on the server in over a week, iirc.

    Yes it was, and you got that shot because I was typing - I felt so stupid. It was still damn good aim though.


    I find this amusing.

    Also, you guys should know by now not to stop and type unless you're certain I'm not there. <.<

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