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Nick The Newbie

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Everything posted by Nick The Newbie

  1. Like I said before, the two dates the hotel offered us are the only feasible dates. MAGFest has always considered other dates first, but it all comes down to affordability and availability. We can't afford to get a venue that large in the middle of the summer, which is peak (read: expensive) season, and any other affordable date is already booked.
  2. NYE is a travel holiday, and MLK is not. Thus, tickets cost probably double on NYE what they would for MLK. The way magfest has worked before when it's thurs-sun is that thurs is sort of the set up day, and not a full day. So if you were to fly in thurs night, you'd be fine. The reason he was saying that most kids get friday off, is because a lot of college students (including me, many years ago), would select their schedules so they can get the 3 day weekend every week. Just attend your first few days of class, get your syllabus, tell your professor, and you'll be fine.
  3. Believe me, if jan 6-9 was an option, we wouldn't be making a poll out of it.
  4. Hey guys. Some of you know me, and some don't, but I'm Nick, and I help with MAGFest. We're currently working on the dates for MAGFest 9, and the hotel is giving us the option for different dates. We're sticking to Thurs-Sun this year, so the options at Dec 30 - Jan 2 (doesn't interfere with classes, but might interfere with new years family time), or Jan 13 - Jan 16 (Might interfere with classes, but better for people who can't take work off or have to stay with their families new years weekend). So we've got a poll up at http://magfest.org/node/326, and it'll help us make our decision. You have to register to cast a vote, but it only takes a second, plus we can keep all the votes centralized. Thanks for all your help, guys!
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