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Posts posted by CJthemusicdude

  1. No, I definitely appreciate the feedback Dark, it gives me more room to improve.

    So I changed a large amount of the synth work in that middle upbeat section, overhauled a couple synths and automated a bunch of goodies. I'm not usually a fan of the program Dblue glitch because usually it's really obvious when someone is using it. However, I did add a TINY bit of Dblue in that par. Let me know what you think!

  2. I love me some FF8 mixes so I thought I'd take a listen to this.

    My thoughts: The good: Arrangment is very thorough and I enjoyed listening to some of the neat little changes to the melodies you did. Piano playing was a bit spotty at moments but was very nice throughout with plenty of dynamics.

    The not so good: I agree with Kuo on two points. The first being that violin the beginning. Since you don't use it in the rest of the mix, it's probably better to just get rid of it. It doesn't really add to anything.

    Also I agree that the piano panning is awkward. I get that idea that the lower notes on the left and the higher on the right, but it feels now like the piano is a mile wide. Maybe you could skooch the parts closer to the middle.

    Looking forward to hearing how this turns out :)

  3. Gotta love this classic source, your remix syncs up very well with the style of the original, that sort of calm, underwater feel.

    My take on the remix: Production wise I think this is really spot on, there's nothing bad that really pops out and everything blends together nicely. The tonality and sense is very good.

    The only small gripe I have is with the arrangement. The first 2 minutes of the remix are nice and original while being thinly tied to the source but from 2:00 on it sounds more like it's a cover than a remix. There's very little variation on the main melody or themes at this point. Maybe down the road you could spruce up some of the melodies or put your own spin on some of the chords. :)

  4. Suicide Slide and Quake Zone rumble are two of my favorite VG tracks of all time. I've never been able to even start remixing suicide slide though because I'm not sure how you could even improve on that, it's so good. I may try to mix Quake zone some day, who knows.

  5. Looks like Jarski is taking a swing at MM2. :]

    My opinion is that I enjoy 90% of this mix. The chippyness and soundscape are really good in my opinion. My favorite part was 3:12 - 3:22 :D

    Only a couple things I wasn't really a fan of. I agree with Ecto that 3:23 - 3:26 is realllly awkward. And the sound effect at :19 is very unnecessary imo.

    Other than that hope to see this mix polished and up on the site. :D

  6. I love the first 50 seconds of this so much =w=

    I'm don't know much about making orchestral sounds real so the only advice I have for you here on OCremix is expand on the themes. Orchestral music is great for exploring the various modes and melodies contained in classic tunes like this. I believe what you have right now would serve as a great beginning, followed by a few more minutes of diversion, expansion and awesomeness. :D Hope to hear more from you.

  7. So I'm gonna record the last verse vocals on monday as well as smooth over some of the elements. I am gonna work on the drums at the beginning so they aren't so mechanical, also gonna mix up the drums a little overall.

    I'll probably try and tweak the bass at 1:50 by adding perhaps a sub and some slight EQ and compression.

    And of course an ending.will be done by then. :P

  8. Updated the mix, added some breakdown, variation etc. All that's left to add is the final verse and ending.

    Thanks for all the feedback so far :D I'll be workin on polishing this as best as I can. I updated the snare in most parts so it's a little more noticeable and punchy. I EQ'd the bass a little more properly in the chorus and verse sections. I'm not sure how I'm gonna treat the "chorus synth" aka: the "nanana" one. I want it to be fat, since there's no real high range information at that part but I don't want it to be overbearing, especially when the voices come in. Maybe I'll automate the reverb during those parts, because that "Synth" is made up of like, 5 bass synths.


    As always, crit is welcome :D

  9. 2:13 - 2:23 = 10 seconds of absolute perfection.

    I love the track as a whole but those 10 seconds are simply fantastic.

    Agreed. Those 10 seconds may be the greatest musical bit out of any video game remix on here or anywhere else.

    Also 2:04 to 2:13 sounds like perfect evil genius laboratory music, followed by the unveiling of the grand scheme at 2:13, followed by the shock and terror aftermath afterward :twisted:

  10. I submitted this back in November and It was admittably very bad, so I've improved on almost all of it :P

    I agree Manoo, the puggsy soundtrack is incredibly overrated. I wasn't even the biggest fan of the game itself but almost every tune in the game is awesome. I definitely plan on doing more puggsy in the future, probably Splinter Town or Darkskull castle.

  11. I submitted this mix some months back, but it got rejected so I'm planning on resubbing it. The mix is a lot different than it was back then. (Hopefully improved) So any and all feedback on improving this mix is appreciated :)

    Remix: (Nothin to see here folks c:)


  12. Thanks for the feedback Guifrog and DarkSim! I'll definitely bug you some more here and in the IRC when I rework this mix. ;)

    However, I'm most likely not gonna resubmit it for another couple months or so since I have a couple other mixes I'm working on right now. But the advice I got should be enough to make this track a good one when I do work on it and give it a good sound overhaul. :-D I just gotta practice my humanizations, sample tweaking and general mixing stuff.

  13. Thanks for all the advice guys. :D

    I'll definitely improve my sample manipulation and I'm slowly but surely working on live part recording.

    I'm not too worried about guitar samples though because I rarely use them in my mixes. That little 5 second snippit of guitar in the battletoads mix is about the extent of my guitar use. I'd rather just burn it and replace it with something else. If I reallly needed a significant guitar part I'd just bug someone hear to record a guitar part for me. :<

  14. Ok, that cleared a few things up for me. But I guess now I'm not sure exactly what counts as "samples"

    For example the "brass and flute" samples in the middle are from a layered synth vst. But do they still count as "Samples?"

    When I rework this song I'll definitely try to spruce up production, I need some ideas. Prophetik was right about the cheesy 80's vibe because that's what I was going for. I've always envisioned battletoads to have a sort of "BATTELTUDS RADICAL" sorta feel, but that doesn't excuse my poor production so I still want to have like, cheesy guitar bits but have them sound nice if that makes any sense.

    Also Snapple when you say samples should be played with a midi controller, how far does that go? I can understand playing melodies by hand but I could never do drums live, I'd have to sequence them, how do I humanize them more?

  15. Well this got rejected, so I'm back to the drawing board with this one. I probably won't be submitting this one again any time soon but I will someday so I would like to get some feedback to try and figure out how I can improve this mix. In the rejection letter they said that the sample qualities were too weak. I've never been good at knowing what good or bad samples sound like so maybe some of you can help point out to me which samples are good and bad.

    Any advice is appreciated! :smile:

    Link to my mix - http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1257

    Source -

  16. Hello workshop people! So my last couple of submissions to OCR got rejected or form lettered because of poor quality samples, I was wondering if anyone could point me to some good samples because I'm a little lost. I have a looot of samples (Mostly for percussion) and to me a good chunk of them sound fine alone, and when I try out different drum samples in my mix they sound alright to me. However I've never been good with drums so I need some help on how to spot good quality sounds and how to avoid bad ones.

    Here's an example of a submission of mine that just recently got rejected for poor sample quality. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1257 It's a battletoads double dragon remix. Maybe you can help point out the bad samples.

    Any and all advice would be appreciated, thanks. :)

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