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Everything posted by Malkyre

  1. I never understood how a tracker worked vs a sequencer, but the Renoise website explains it pretty well. Actually, I remember looking into trackers years ago and I did not understand how they worked/what they did at all. I did not know that they could be used with VST instruments. I'm in the process of evaluating DAWs right now, I may have to give this a shot...
  2. I've picked up Borderlands (with DLC), Dawn of War 2, and Left 4 Dead 2 this week. I'm Malkyre on steam as well if anyone would like to add me and play one of these fine games some time.
  3. Does anyone by chance have a spare beta key for this?
  4. I would suggest picking up a copy of Barrett Tagliarino's Guitar Fretboard Workbook. Best book I've ever found for building up knowledge of the fretboard, including notes, scales, and chords. It has plenty of exercises and will keep you busy for a while. You'll want to supplement it with something that has you actually playing songs, however.
  5. This could be interesting... How about jamming together with NINJAM? That's something I've been wanting to do, but, uh, I've still got a lot of practicing to do.
  6. Conjure One has music written by a guy, but all the vocals are guest female vocalists. At least, it was so for the first album. I haven't listened to anything but the self-titled 'Conjure One' album. Definitely can recommend that album. ------ Controller.Controller was a groovy band. Put out two albums then broke up when the singer decided to pursue her career outside of music. They put together some good music while it lasted. ------ Dragonette. Love their first album. They have a second one out now that I haven't had a chance to pick up yet. ------ Metric, Broken Social Scene, and Feist have been mentioned already, but I don't think anyone has pointed out Emily Haines's solo material. ------ Oooh, boy! Time for LIGHTS! Probably my favourite artist on this list. LIGHTS - Saviour LIGHTS - February Air Also, check her YouTube channel for the ongoing Audio Quest animated comic book thingy. ------ Chances are, if you like piano in your music, you'll like Sarah Slean. Sarah Slean - Sweet Ones ------ Whew, yeah, that's my list of favourite female singers/songwriters, excluding jpop/jrock. And interestingly enough, all of the above are Canadian.
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