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  1. It's a start. I already have that image saved. I'm more curious if the "double the trouble!" text is lying around somewhere.
  2. So I had to delay listening to the album until Christmas was over. While certainly it was a difficult wait, I couldn't justify mixing it into my playlists until I was done with my yearly Christmas music indulgence. With that said, HOLY CRAP. I knew this was going to be a good album but DANG is this awesome! I'm not even half way done listening to it and I've already 5-starred most of them. I can also tell that all the promotions and previews have kept a lot of the best pieces a tight secret, which is awesome because now I know there will be a lot more surprise hits! Also, I went and ripped all the promotions I could find to try and make my own promotional sigs and I cut this out of one of the disk arts. I'm curious to know if there's just the "double the trouble" text somewhere, because that would be infinitely useful in making more sigs.
  3. This trailer makes me proud to have a post on the 4th page.
  4. In the words of the immortal ghost of Christopher Walken; "My body is ready."
  5. The track is amazing! I'm not usually a fan of vocal tracks, but man that was awesome.
  6. So March then? Well I waited 2 year, another 2 months won't kill me. Keep up the good work! My ears are itching for some more DK!
  7. My fingers continuously twiddle as I anticipate the unfiltered greatness to come.
  8. If the preview video doesn't come out before Page 100, I'm going to relentlessly beat each and every one of you over the head with my near-infinite patience. I will also wait you to death!
  9. Ladies and Gentlemen. We have the album cover for the Bonus disk.
  10. I am on the edge of my seat for this preview, as though I am being forced to sit on a toilet filled with lava. I very almost patiently await the preview of the remix project I have waited half a decade for!
  11. FINALLY! My personal favorite and most underrated game in the series is getting a proper treatment! When this comes out, I will be frothing at the mouth with nostalgia as I twitch with glee, my childhood forcably bursting from my chest Alien style to breakdance to these sick beats!
  12. HOOOO BOY! Look at all that gold! That's what I like to see! It's only 10 karat though. We gotta get this to 14 karat gold status!
  13. So how is this coming along?
  14. Oh ok, cool. Now to wait for the release.
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