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Posts posted by McKnackusThe1st

  1. So I had to delay listening to the album until Christmas was over. While certainly it was a difficult wait, I couldn't justify mixing it into my playlists until I was done with my yearly Christmas music indulgence.

    With that said, HOLY CRAP.

    I knew this was going to be a good album but DANG is this awesome! I'm not even half way done listening to it and I've already 5-starred most of them. I can also tell that all the promotions and previews have kept a lot of the best pieces a tight secret, which is awesome because now I know there will be a lot more surprise hits! :D

    Also, I went and ripped all the promotions I could find to try and make my own promotional sigs and I cut this out of one of the disk arts.


    I'm curious to know if there's just the "double the trouble" text somewhere, because that would be infinitely useful in making more sigs.

  2. I guess I should compile a list of questions I need answered in this post. This is my first contribution to OCRemix and I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, so yeah.

    1: How big does the picture need to be?

    2: Will I need to make multiple pieces of promotional artwork including the cover art?

    3: Will any of this artwork ever be printed anywhere? such as on CD's? This will give me a better idea as to how I should go about preparing the final piece.

    4: I know pixel art is being discouraged, but in the case of the MissingNo sprite, it's kinda hard to avoid. After all, it's just a jumbled mess of pixels. So can I use the MissingNo sprite itself or will I need to re-create it somehow?

    5: Is this album connected to any one version or generation of Pokemon games or is it just an overall Pokemon album?

    6: I know this question is a little odd considering my sudden involvement with this project, but is it possible for me to join the project's forum in order to more directly communicate with others working on this project? Though I also wonder if it would matter, since I can talk to you guys on this forum just fine. Just a though.

    In addition, any and all comments and criticism on any and all of my submissions would be greatly appreciated. The more feedback I get, the better chances I have of bringing you guys a more refined cover piece. ;)

    I hate to be a nuisance, but I can't exactly help unless I get some answers. :???:

  3. Not to be an ass (even though I actually am one), but shouldn't the Link's Awakening album stuff go in the Link's Awakening album thread?

    I think they were just messing around and it came up in this thread for some reason. It's been in the other thread for a while now.

    Anywho, anybody have answers for my questions in the previous page? Kindof important.;-)

  4. Thanks for clarifying that. Never played any of the pokemon's, so as an outside observer which many who listen to this album may be, I thought it was a little strange. :-P

    Well artistically speaking it definitely clashes, so without that background information I understand your confusion.

    Anywho, I guess I should compile a list of questions I need answered in this post. This is my first contribution to OCRemix and I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, so yeah.

    1: How big does the picture need to be?

    2: Will I need to make multiple pieces of promotional artwork including the cover art?

    3: Will any of this artwork ever be printed anywhere? such as on CD's? This will give me a better idea as to how I should go about preparing the final piece.

    4: I know pixel art is being discouraged, but in the case of the MissingNo sprite, it's kinda hard to avoid. After all, it's just a jumbled mess of pixels. So can I use the MissingNo sprite itself or will I need to re-create it somehow?

    5: Is this album connected to any one version or generation of Pokemon games or is it just an overall Pokemon album?

    6: I know this question is a little odd considering my sudden involvement with this project, but is it possible for me to join the project's forum in order to more directly communicate with others working on this project? Though I also wonder if it would matter, since I can talk to you guys on this forum just fine. Just a though.

    In addition, any and all comments and criticism on any and all of my submissions would be greatly appreciated. The more feedback I get, the better chances I have of bringing you guys a more refined cover piece. ;)

  5. Here's a quick concept I came up with.


    I can make it look a lot better given time, but I want to know what you think about the setup. I may change the sillouettes into full art pieces. I was also thinking of making it look like an actual Pokemon game boxart featuring the two boney pokemon (which are apparently rarer than the other MissingNo forms) on the two different versions/disks.

    Also, how big should I make the final cover? I don't know if it'll get printed ever, or how OCRemix works when it comes to extra material.

    Also, besides the cover, is there any other pieces of art you'll need? (promotional, etc...)

  6. OK, the first thing I'm going to say about any artwork is no pixel art, especially using game elements. No thanks, not happening. It's using far too much of the original game material, and it looks plain and derivative. There might even be some legal issues about it, but ignoring that, it just reeks of lack of imagination.

    This is a chance for some really good original artwork to appear, and instead of slightly editing the old sprites, how about we get something that stands out and doesn't crib from GameFreak?

    That sounds like a challenge.

    I accept. :)

    though something I feel I should ask is this: what is the overall feel of the album? I don't want to go the mysterious route if it's bright and cheery music. So if I could have a lead on the albums overall demeanour that would be great.

    Judging by the preview I would assume that the genre of music is all over the place, so I'll keep that in mind and try to make it ambiguous in the cover.

  7. Trying to get artwork sorted out now. Depending upon how things go the next couple of days, it will be taken care of sooner or later.

    Vague enough?

    Too vague.

    I swear I'm fixin to send in my own mockups for promo art.

    One idea I had was that the promotional artwork would be based around the five different forms MissingNo is represented as.


    I figure that would be fitting.

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