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Posts posted by McKnackusThe1st

  1. "Double Trouble" is clever, but it's also extremely generic. It'd also make the album's name nearly identical to the game's, removing only "Dixie Kong's" from the title.

    How about "Two Kinds of Kong."

    Also, will we try and have a vote on this eventually after enough nominations or will it be solely based on Emu's opinion?

  2. Words can not express how happy I am to know this is in the works.

    Unlike most gamers back in the day, I was actually introduced to the DKC series in reverse. Played DKC3 first at a friends house, who later gave the game and his SNES to me when he got an N64. My cousin eventually got the second game and we played that when I visited, and the I got my playtime with the first DKC through a friend I gained years later.

    Because of this, DKC3 is my absolute favorite of the series with my favorite soundtrack. However, most people seem to push it to the back of the list when compared to the first two games, which is why DKC3 gets the short end of the stick when it comes to remixes.

    This album will remedy that, I'm sure. :D

    I do have to be honest though, I raged when I bought the GBA version and learned it had different music. But back then, I probably didn't give a dang if it was good music or not. all I knew is that it was different, and I didn't like it. But I've been giving it a listen thanks to this album, and I'm finding I remember a surprising number of them, even though I didn't like them before. Clearly a case of nostalgia-earphones, because these are awesome. Almost like what the game would have sounded like if they had stuck with the same music direction for the third game as the first and second.

    I can hardly wait, but I got Serious Monkey Business to tide me until then. ;)

    Also, we need to think of a name for the album. I'd suggest not using a name like "kongs in _______" because it would be too much like Kong in Concert.

    I was thinking of something along the lines of "Apes Gone Alpine," "Primate Elevation," "Kongs of Kanadia," or "Krool Heights."

  3. your best bet (and basically your only viable option) would be to contact the original artists individually and ask. it's pretty unlikely that you would find these hosted anywhere.

    i think his post might've implied that he is not interested in sharing it


    ...Permission to frap-rip the songs off the site? If only to have them for myself, though I do wish it would be published elsewhere.

  4. Sand Café is mine and it wasn't released because it was never finished.

    Well there were other WIPs in the album anyway but I guess I can understand you not wanting more incomplete songs in it.

    Though honestly, I still liked the WIP ones that weren't released. Whether they were finished or not, they'd still be cool to have at least downloadable somewhere.

  5. This is copy pasted from a post I made in the actual Project Chaos discussion topic, but it wasn't getting any replies. I'm sorry to press on this, but I really want to know what happened.

    I also wasn't sure where else to put it, however, this is the remix request board, and I am indeed requesting remixes, even though they are already made. Heh. Loopholes.

    I have no clue if this will even get replied to, but I've noticed something pretty odd about the albums.

    Aside from the bad batch of songs, there are also other songs that are on the teaser site that aren't on the album. Very nice songs. Song's I want, but can't download.

    So I'm curious as to why they got axed out of the final product, and if there is any way I can download them.

    The songs are:

    Nautic Lava 2

    S3K Sessions


    Frozen Lavareef

    Unseen Beta

    The Unseen Wonders

    Sand Caf


    Run For Your Life Knuckles

    New Blessings

    Heck, why not make a new S&K album and call it "Project Chaos - The Lost Tracks"?

  6. It saddened me when I searched for it on OCR and it didn't even show a result.

    I think the soundtrack deserves it's own album, but since it's not a big name title, I can settle for just remixes of the songs. Pick any of them, I'll enjoy them all. :D

  7. I have no clue if this will even get replied to, but I've noticed something pretty odd about the albums.

    Aside from the bad batch of songs, there are also other songs that are on the teaser site that aren't on album. Very nice songs. Song's I want, but can't download.

    So I'm curious as to why they got axed out of the final product, and if there is any way I can download them.

    The songs are:

    Nautic Lava 2

    S3K Sessions


    Frozen Lavareef

    Unseen Beta

    The Unseen Wonders

    Sand Caf


    Run For Your Life Knuckles

    New Blessings

    Heck, why not make a new S&K album and call it "Project Chaos - The Lost Tracks"?

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