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Posts posted by bloodeyezack

  1. I have been enjoying my 3DS, I highly recommend demo-ing Kid Icarus. That was the game for me that made the 3DS worth it. If you can try Kid Icarus, and find you like it or not, I think that will be your answer to getting a 3ds now.

    I agree. just got it yesterday. was amazed at how fun it is. well what made me get it was resident evil revelations. I have super mario 3d land also, It is fun buuuuuuuut easy, I mean like really easy. but enjoyable. MK7 though is fun. but it comes to your preference. just try things out. :-P

  2. I wonder if shows like Grimm and Portlandia will in some way expose Oregon to the people who are less aware (read: ignorant masses) of our wonderful state. Although, that's only Portland, and I think they're more than a bit weird a lot of the time. >_<

    Anyways, the best way to get out is to post. If you like a project or a mix, post about it, and if there's not much around about it, go ahead and leave a message on their profile or PM them. Plus, you might find more you like. :smile:

    The only other thing about Oregon is that the "Goonie's" was filmed in I think Coo's Bay, OR. :lol:

    Yeah I'm giving it a shot. :)!! once I get back my computer I'll be making more quality music then.

  3. You can't move any topic to another forum. Only mods have that ability.

    Also, noone is NOT interesting enough to join in. The forums are a welcoming place here. Noone should ever feel unwelcome to post :)

    The forum activity may have waned quite a bit compared to really any year previous to this one, but that also shouldn't stop you from posting. Activity hopefully will come back, and you will find yourself amongst the others making awesome posts in awesome threads.

    Keep on keepin on, bro.

    Well I'm keeping on. :P

    maybe I should start being more inventive though. I mean I have kept to the topic. but I feel like its going no where. :lol:

  4. Well... I forgot how to move the topic over to off-topic (Thought I have kept to criteria for community.) and besides, I'm just a curious guy, I'm not sure if I'm interesting enough for the OC club. so I just winged it. 8-)

    I'm just not going to give up cause of my hesitations. that goes for music as well, example is I never actually bothered to learn the terminology for mechanisms on FL and other generators. so when people ask me how I did something, I became lost for words. but I still know what I'm doing, and what others are doing in music that I research (Ocremixes/trance/techno/Ect.)

  5. What, you cant move a thread about making threads on OCR to off topic, it's like the most ON topic thread EVER. Furthermore, I think the whole retro vs. new games thing should be revisited. I think it's legitimate to say that new games are more simplistic than retro games from a gameplay perspective, the music is obviously a lot more complex now. But let me explain what I'm saying... it's not a buttload of buttons that make gameplay complex or simplistic. I think a lot of new games are pandering to the casual gamer, and even some first person shooters have really simple controls. But it's less about how complex the controls are and more about how the controls are implemented into the gameplay. I think retro games are not just more complex in that regard, but also a buttload more difficult. And when you die in old games, you die for real

    Zombies ate my neighbor all the way, and Contra! The only new game I enjoyed this year was Zelda: Skyward Sword. The puzzles were always different and some of them you had to give some real thought about. (I'm getting a 3ds in a couple of days, any color suggestions?) other then that, maybe Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

  6. Like many others have said, the best way to get invloved, (aside from making ReMixes) is to post. Write reviews on stuff, and post.

    Also, grants pass = +1 for Oregon !

    lol Oregon is always under the radar. I swear anyone out of state always never knows about Oregon. I actually went on a road trip to Georgia on the 16th, it took me 4 days to get there. but on those day's some people I ended up talking too, didn't even know Oregon was a state, lmao. :lol:

    It takes time and dedication to hone any craft, just keep at it man.

    My early stuff was atrocious and while i still think i have a long way to go i'm proud of what I've been able to produce thus far, get on aim or live sometime and I'll chat with ya about FLstudio or something.

    yeah I'll need to get a review on FL, I haven't been able to get on it in about 6 months. :(

  7. i believe the connections are better these days for me, though i don't hang out with ocr peeps often on xbox live (though i would like to more).

    As for my music i think I've improved alot over the past year or so (you can check out my latest album in my profile /selfpromo)

    I've got to get off my lazy ass though and start ReMixing some vidyagamez again.

    I'm downloading it right now. :smile: Well the remix I'm doing on my PsP is actually pretty repetitive right now (metroid). Though if your intrested I could put it up on tinteck at some point, though it still has a loooooooong way to go before its really any good. I still think "The road of Sorrow" my first song is still my best. :banghead:

  8. I've been doing stuff like this for years here and I've never been on OCAD.

    Are you prejudiced?

    we Brushfire and myself (along with a few others) talked through Xbox live back on my 19th birthday. though I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it (though it would be pretty cool) I still need to get Marvel vs Capcom though, most of the games we played that day nether of us could connect too. :lol:

  9. Well this topic is quite spontaneous I guess. is that a problem though? honestly I've seen even more odd people then myself. I'm just bad with starting things.

    I've got this homebrew on my psp that's called "Rhyhm" its a music generator for the psp.

    its rather simplistic (though limited) I've been working on some WP for a while, though I only have one remix going right now.

  10. 1. This thread is bananas.

    2. Isn't it the opposite? Many new games have become needlessly complex or gameplay-deficient whereas retro games are quite simple by comparison but offer direct, satisfying gameplay?

    Well true, but it also comes down to the music. if the music isn't all that great, it just gets annoying to play the game. and the newer music now days just seems like its lacking.

    can we move this to offtopic so it can become the savior thread there

    Why put the thread on off topic? I've set the topic to be about music, games and the like? am I missing something?

  11. So this thread is about you starting a thread?

    I love it!

    Pretty much :lol:, I've made a couple attempts before but they died off rather fast, like maybe 3 or 4 posts in. guess I got to start somewhere, even if no where is that start right?

    Anyways, I used to be a hardcore gamer but seems like I've been turning into a retro gamer. its like the newer games have kinda became to simplistic in my opinion.

  12. For the past 2 years, I've been messing around with fruity loops and other music generators when I can, and real life takes up most of my time. if I could I'd spend more time on my WP, but moving around and not having my own computer just eats more of that time away.

    I'm mainly a lurker here on the forums, can't help but be a shy guy. I mean though its the internet, and I'll probably never meet you guys, I always wondered, what's it like truly being a part of the chaos that is Overclocked Forums? How would I go about starting thread of my own?

    Then I thought, what does it matter? I have nothing really to say (hence I made this my topic), and in the end I find myself talking, making a thread, and attempting to start something. (though I'm sure Trolls will be trolls :350:)

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