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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. yeah, i think we should collab sometime. Also, i have some junk .mx5 files somewhere, if you want to look at them. You use a Windows PC, right?
  2. True, the sound samples are weak and low in quality. I understand that. The only problem (Well, maybe NOT a problem, but who knows...) is that I'm using MixCraft 5. hahaha. Screwing around with the VST effects are not the best idea, but look where that got me. Also, I decided not to do any deeper instuments, such as guitars or drums, because I needed a "practice" remix to work with, and so I decided to stay similar to the original track in style and instruments. Although, a choir layer would work, and so would strings, but I decided to keep it short, and not so deep. Like I said, this was a "practice run", so I don't think I'll add much more to it... Maybe I will, sometime later. I'll think it through.
  3. Thank you.The source is rediculously short, only 30 seconds or so.I could've made it longer, but would've used a different style if i did so.Also, i'm thinking about removing the harp filler right before the ending.But Thanks anyway!
  4. thumbs up. It still needs to have the ending fade out some more... Either that, or it needs to stop with a bigger build up to the last note. That's my opinion
  5. Well, TECHNICALLY, it's finished... Sorta
  6. I'm sorry to barge in, but that's FUKIN HILARIOIUS!

  7. .mp3 .wav short, sweet, and to the point.
  8. this is a bit off topic a bit... what does the tagline under your alias mean? as in, mine is "Snacks 'N Jaxson (+25)", while someone else's might be "Dr. Wily (+1300)". What does that mean? Emunator, I know you probably have an answer!
  9. I'm surprised nobody's doing the Hot Pursuit (SNES) track... hmm...
  10. OMIGOD! AkumajoBelmont did great with Enchanted riverbank, well, with wat I could hear, that is... hehehe!
  11. 8bit did better at Crazy Calypso than I could've come up with... hahaha! great job guys!
  12. i have no idea. Maybe you should mix your Magical 8bit plugin tracks into new tracks - right click on the track icon, scroll down until you find "mix to new track". This converts that Virtual Instrument track into an audio file track. hope that helps
  13. www.VSTPLANET.com And yes, that's the right capitalization. All free downloads, but some are crap, but usually only 1-out-of-50 chance of it bieng a crap VST. Electrolisystem P.S. Beware some bass synth. One about fried my PC when I tried to switch tones!
  14. Hi, Electrolisystem here. I had a pretty far out idea to take remixes that you send me, and combine them into one consecutive track, vinyl album style. This means that your track could be sandwiched against another track in one consecutive loop. I'll also cut it into seperate tracks each, and load that into a torrent for ya'll to view. Bit i'll only take remixes per game. So give me a game, and a few WiPs or final WAVs, and I'll see what I can do. All the best for you and me, Electrolisystem P.S. if you have a MixCraft 5 file that you want to send instead, that's great, but only one .MX5 per vinyl, ok?
  16. Hi, Electrolisystem here. I had a pretty far out idea to take remixes that you send me, and combine them into one consecutive track, vinyl album style. This means that your track could be sandwiched against another track in one consecutive loop. I'll also cut it into seperate tracks each, and load that into a torrent for ya'll to view. Bit i'll only take remixes per game. So give me a game, and a few WiPs or final WAVs, and I'll see what I can do. All the best for you and me, Electrolisystem P.S. if you have a MixCraft 5 file that you want to send instead, that's great, but only one .MX5 per vinyl, ok?
  17. Also, it think i'll add more synth to it.
  18. Thnx Man. And yes, I am still working on this. It's a little slow... Electrolisystem
  19. Here's a fun little version of treetop tumble I have in the works... My other posted remixes are flops, because, well, you've got to hear them to know why. Hopefully this is a little better. http://Mirror.Electrolisystem.com/dropboxmirror/mirror1/treetop_terror.mp3 http://Mirror.Electrolisystem.com/dropboxmirror/mirror1/treetop_terror.wav I hope that these sound a bit more quantized for... peoples tastes. all the best, Electrolisystem
  20. Uh, hi.

    I have the links right here for what I hope will become part of the DKC3 album...



    Whatever one you want... here they are above.

    (treetop Tumble)

    These are incomplete however... I hope you like. Comment by shooting me a pm, or email me.

  21. <This reply based off of green quote text above> WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY? Sorry. MixCraft 5 is pretty reliable, once you get around to the quantizing. Which makes it a little easier. (Hint... if you EVAR need to add any human-ish "swing" sound to make it sound more natural, use the "swing amount" option on the quantizer. it helps out a bit.) Electrolisystem Electrolisystem overload...
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