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Posts posted by NeOmega

  1. Rammstein remixed by NIN into a swirly dark chocolate.

    Well I am a huge fan of industrial music, (like enough to name off a bunch of obscure bands no-one has heard of as my favorites.... Hocico, Wumpscut, Kevorkian Death Cycle...) so um, I know what Rammstein sounds like, I always wanted to get back and say, "yuh-huh, it does too sound like Rammstein, anyone who has heard alot of Rammstein knows it does!!!"

    Thanks for backing me up.

    Anyways... yeah, everytime I hear it, I still think Rammstein, and I still think it plays really well, and still sounds great, and everytime I hear it I get an itch to get back to these forums and post "yuh huh!!"... now that itch has been scratched... :P

  2. Wow.

    The first time I heard this, I was about to write it off within the first minute, luckily I was busy. I remember hearing the ending and thinking... Huh? Did I just like that? Was that the same song?

    This reminds me of two other tracks I find similar in make-up:

    Howard Drossins "lava reach" remix


    BLiNd's Mario Paint 'BLindisDahBomB'

    All three start, to be honest, fairly annoying, but end being exceptionally good. This is a yin/yang contrast to the dozens of remixes I find that have an awesome intro, and then sputter into banality.

    This track, and the other two I mention, start terribly in my opinion, but then somehow turn into a great piece. ANd by the third or fourth listen, I think... just one more play...

    ..especially this one, which I just discovered after the 4th listen, does have voices for the schizophrenic at the end... :D

  3. Most of this song was a cliche.

    Nothing special.

    There are so many other symphonic FF remixes it's not even funny.

    So why did you pick this song to voice it as cliche? Or is that why you have such a high post count, just go around and tag songs that don't impress you as cliche.

    Anyways I love this piece, and I am not a big fan of symphonic pieces, but this one has a true melancholy edge to it.

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