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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. http://soundcloud.com/mordfustang/wearenowconnected A bit mau5y though
  2. Yup! and I thought I would give you guys 2 things to play around with. whoa...what that? A tutorial song on how I make hedgog errr I mean complexto electro house for you guys who wonder what its all about! (ABLETON LIVE ONLY SORRY PEOPLE) I did made this quick little tut with samples of my own patches and common patches that come with drum sample kits! Second is a quick (repetitive) metal...or actually I just call it a guitar practice mix (For all! its wav. and midi files only .http://www.mediafire.com/?v3m8c98r8mmr2ge (Error in track bouncing for guitar mix, I will Fix it and upload a new file, ignore the guitar mix file in this download folder) http://www.mediafire.com/?j8w47ce41lxlly1 (Guitar Prac Mix) you will need a guitar sim and some sort of drum sampler like Ez,FPC, or Superior drums. Its not much but its something. I will modify this post to it has some of my dirty synths I use for sylenth, absynth, fm8 and massive. (but not the exotic ones, I will only make those avalible on my twitter and other fourms Happy holidays people!
  3. Tape recorders, what I did LONG time ago, now soundcloud even has apps for stuff like that. recording your hums is a great idea to keep ideas, I treat hums and beat boxes as midi.
  4. Gotcha, swore I killed all the highs on the bells and mad it dull, maybe its the multiband boost I did on the high ends. I will lower the compression on the track to make the tracks more present (and I will drop the guitar vols). And I will drop the master to 1.0 Db or 0. But Where should I add more, im out of Ideas? D:
  5. I always wondered what it comes with, I have the player and I was thinking of buying it this winter after I get my amp or komplete 8 around spring.
  6. I meant for the title to mean jam track for guitart players but at the same time short title. Sorry on title confusion. Drums I just copied the originals drums (since this is a cover song anyways). The bass I used sounded bad.(really) so I just let the lows come out and lowerd other freqs in the bass (how I kinda like ny bass though, but not like this).
  7. http://soundcloud.com/aires/sonic-3d-jam-track-diamond CRAP FORGOT TO TAKE OUT MY SOLO ....solo is only 20 seconds so I guess its ok Im retracking this when I get my 5150 this winter or spring. Emerald hill got re-amped(love andysneap forums!), so it just needs a bumpin bassline : O!
  8. wow I just realized you guys got alotta remixes to review in panel since early this year
  9. 1. So in the "TO BE JUDGED " post, im confused, its says that the panel should look at mixes on or before nov "x" (as any date in november to simplify what im getting at). so does that mean including mixes since august-sept? 2. Can I do straight guitar and drum covers of songs, kinda like this and this but faster in tempo.3. If I add the phrase "pancakes" to my mixes under a vox synth (or vocoder), will it increase chances of gets a "Yes"?
  10. Thanks guys! @calum you mean the kick out of time? It maybe the release time of the compressor on the track that makes it seem like that. I checked twice, the kick seems to be in time. Thanks for telling me that!
  11. http://soundcloud.com/aires/aquapark-mix-prac Eq match satified my dislike on di guitars, so im using jun senoues '98 5150 tone this is another mix practice liek the bomberman and space invader track. dont expect anything to be finished. P.s. Im not producing music for some time ; atleast later next year i'll make some tracks. (unless 1 of the items in my self rules break or I get 2 certain piece of gear, then I will make more tracks)
  12. Im uploading a mix practice later on this, but its kinda short like my other practices.
  13. Its done! Oh could somebody please go on my soundcloud and paste the track, I can't right now
  14. http://soundcloud.com/aires/micheal-jackson-rock-with-you Play loud, the full version will not be as loud as this to maintain punch. (darn you bricks and your walls)
  15. ^this --------------------------- http://tindeck.com/listen/keqp Took me long enough to upload this, prob because I did not Like the results but hey im not subing this, just another track I made!
  16. http://soundcloud.com/aires/bomberman-64-sirius-air3s source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S_TBXfKN0U&feature=related
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