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Posts posted by XeroZohar

  1. FYI, starting tomorrow I'll be back home for 2-3 weeks, away from these bitchin' school computers (seriously, 5 mb/s rocks) and stuck with my ailing laptop and the family desktop. I may or may not appear on the server during that time. Depends on whether I can get one or the other computer to play nice.

    I'll still be on the interwebs though.

    Noooo, then I can't try to dominate your spy as a spy again! (yeah, like that'll ever happen. Ever again. Evar.)

  2. I'ma vote no on the force auto, and rather add (or better enforce?) a rule saying that dodging autobalance is a short ban or a kick or something. It's there for a reason.

    Also, I never run from FROGG. I almost never live against him, but I never run from him (usually).

    in other news i had way too much fun making this

    (obviously im not gonna camp like that on the ocr server but yeah its quite fun hopping around to upward servers)

    atmuh, that is a big pile o' LOL right there.

  3. One person said that deleting the Team Fortress 2 folder and letting the game rebuild it was a way to fix the glowing cart issue.


    As I said in my original post, I tried that. It didn't work, sadly. Maybe it'll help atmuh though. Thanks anyway.

    Update: Tried turning off AA, now glow outlines appear. Oddly, glow outlines appear in L4d/2 without any need for disabling AA.

    Going to maybe update my graphics card drivers, though honestly this isn't such a big deal to not have those outlines, so maybe not.

    Update 2 (and final probably): Updated the drivers (from 190 something to 248... yeesh I forgot how out of date these can get), but no change. AA has to be off or the glows won't appear. Meh-tastic. Oh well.

  4. oh i cant see the cart through walls either i didnt know what they meant by the new glow effect because it looks the same to me too

    If you don't mind me asking, what kind of system specs do you have? Maybe that'll clue me in to the problem if it's not something wrong with my installation of the game.

  5. The glow effects aren't working. That's what I was asking help with. I can't see any glow effects period. I don't see an outline of carts through walls, and I don't see outlines of MY ScoRes stickies, which is what I meant by my original post. I know you can't see ally and enemy stickies, and for good reason. I ain't that dumb.

  6. Maybe someone here can help me out. I heard that the update also made payload carts and ScoRes stickies glow through walls. Well, I ain't seeing them, and it would really be nice to, at least for the ScoRes stickies. I've got the setting on, and running in DX9 mode, everything turned up, etc. Even tried deleting the TF2 folder (but not GCFs) like a forum post I read suggested, but no luck.

    Any ideas here?

  7. Just wanted to say that I like the idea of the mapchooser, but I think it needs to be modified in such a way that a map that was just played CANNOT be played again for at least four maps, including by nomination and rtv. Even if I like a map, I don't want to play it five times in one session because it keeps getting revoted, usually by people that join after half the server leaves due to having repeated the map three times already. If I wanted that, I'd go to one of the 24/7 servers.

    But that's just me I guess.

    Also, I'm going to really REALLY enjoy the Wrangler. mwahahahha.

  8. Other Team is Babies seemed pretty stable ping wise. I personally got around 30-40ms which is about what I used to get on BLU/RED.

    I however, also noticed some teleportation issues. Sometime's I'd be chasing someone to backstab them, and suddenly they disappear and are behind me shooting me to death. As well, I experienced the other side where I'd sit in a corner, someone'd shoot me, I'd move, and the hit wouldn't register for a couple of seconds. Finally, I'd be walking and strafing, and I'd jump back a few steps randomly. All of these were intermittent, but it's worth noting.

    Edit: Oh, and on Turbine, I noticed when I was engie, the ammo and health pickup sounds weren't playing, but that might have just been a local glitch. This was also when the voice chat was choppy due to tf2stats updating or something I think.

  9. You guys only have one (1!) ZX remix lying around, and that just won't do. So yeah, I'd love to hear a remix of Trap Phantasm from either ZX or ZX Advent (they're a little different between the two games). For the unfamiliar, these are the themes that play when you fight Prometheus and Pandora together in both games. As for genres, well, I'm open to anything the remixer might have in mind.


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