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Everything posted by Klaus

  1. Thanks a lot, man! You helped in fact!!!
  2. Hi, people! I've made a new version of the music. Now with a little bit of vocals. http://soundcloud.com/klausterfullbya/wip-v3r-klausterfullbya-night
  3. Hi! Here is one more WIP of mine. This is a scratch of my intent to this music. Sorry for some mistakes. Soon I'll do the due adjustments. http://soundcloud.com/klausterfullbya/wip-v1-metal-core
  4. So you mean the strum guitar the acoustic guitar at 0:44? Thank you again for the constructive criticism!
  5. I really like it, but if you use realmente drums samples and medium reverb on it, the song would be perfect. EZ Drummer can do it for you.
  6. Thank you, man! Yes, sure I'll extend it, the ending it's gonna to be different from the source. Thanks for collab! Strum guitar?
  7. Revisited: http://soundcloud.com/klausterfullbya/wip-v2-klausterfullbya-night
  8. Do you recommend any old western song to have the basis?
  9. Nice, man!! I ask how you do the "woo-woo" vibration. If I was you. I'd put more reverber on the drums, raise the high band of the Drum and the base synth. I've commented on your sound too.
  10. Hello everyone! This is an old west style of the opening theme of Pokémon Yellow. Hope you guys like it. Tech infos: - FL Studio 8. - For the viola, used the Orchestral VSTi. - Percussion EZ Drummer, Latin Percussion. - The guitars, my acoustic guitars, as you can see. - Effects over guitar, the pefect VST: Amplitube Fender. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2F17wXjcTUF2I&h=iAQH0vbk6
  11. Sure! Thanks for the information!
  12. Hello, guys! Now, I'm working on a new project, and I want your feedback to make it a nice new version (I don't like to say "remix", 'cuz it remind me eletro things.. heheh) of this song! This is a tiny part of the music, I have a lot to do, but so far I've recorded the guitars and make some crazy-Irish intro. Please, give me your opinion to this, and what you guys expect! Ps.: Sorry for the timing errors, I'll fix as soon as possible! Soundcloud link (as recommended in my last post, thanks, man!): http://soundcloud.com/klausterfullbya/wip-v1-klausterfullbya-another
  13. Simple guitar arrangement for the Spekkio theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CA8e7f9jqlg&feature=youtu.be
  14. Thank you for your feedback!! Sure! I've mixed 2 differents styles of drumsets. For the whole tone-thing I used the "Room Drumset". And for the plates, I used the "Dance Drumkit". The EQ was distributed in two differents channels for the drum (as I mentioned). The link for download the soundfont: http://soundfonts.homemusician.net/drum_kits_and_percussive_kits_soundfonts/ultimate_drums.html
  15. Hello, guys! =) Here is my simple remix of the "Competition menu". It's purely simple (as I said), but it sounds nice. Hope you guys enjoy this. ^^
  16. =) Okej, guys, thank you so much for all comments, and of course, the help. Well, all strings I have played in my keyboard, so, I have not used any VST plugin to get better sound. But I will try something next time. Sorry for the Youtube link. And I loved the "Tindeck", I will always use for now on. The guitar I have played too, but in next music game I will let it sound better than now. =D
  17. Hello, guys. This is my first thread here, and my first game music prodution. I played the keyboards and the guitars, the drums I have imported from original MIDI and throw to the FL Studio. Used Acid Pro 6 and Audacity. Listen (via You Tube): Klaus - Holy Sanctuary I wait a feedback from you guys!! =D Bye!
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