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    Grad Student/Tech support

ObliviousOne's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. So valve has seen fit to give me 6 free keys who ever wants one pm me.
  2. Is there any love for Dishonored? I just finished up my first play though got to day I enjoyed it. Honestly I was a bit disappointed with the graphics being that it was on the unreal engine but I think the game play is solid. The only issue I ran into often was a small clipping issue when sneaking which wasn't a big deal. Something I really enjoyed about the game is that it doesn't make you grind to upgrade your weapons and abilities. You get rewarded for exploring what most I would assume most people already do. Also you don't have to worry about hauling around a ton of stuff to sell at a shop simply pick up items and they turn into money. I personally love stealth games. Any one else have thoughts to share?
  3. HA! In the Game Freak building where the game developers live there is a comment "work work work...please work".
  4. CODA server now has mobs enabled.
  5. Yes that is my minecraft name. Thank You
  6. Hey could I be added the the minecraft server whitelist? Thank You
  7. Hey could I be white listed for the minecraft server. Thank You
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