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Everything posted by Napket

  1. Thank you for the feedback! I detected some kind of deep humming sound at some parts while listening to this again and I think it could be the reverb problem you mentioned and the fact that the drums play all the time. I'll try the filter and see how it sounds like if I remove some of the drums and just edit the beat to suit the melody better. At some point, I thought about adding a small electronic touch to certain parts, because the original song is 8-bit. Other orchestral pieces do this, so maybe I could give it a try? That would certainly add some variety. Making tracks brighter has been my constant problem as a beginner, haha. Adjusting the bass sounds like a good idea. The strings were made with the synths that came with Cubase 7, but I'll see how they would sound like with Dimension Pro and its expansion sets. Kontakt has some awesome orchestral samples as well, but I get to use that only at school. Have to save some money to get my own. Thanks again, you helped me to come up with new ideas for this!
  2. https://soundcloud.com/napket/epic-galaxy Whew. Yeeears ago, when I started composing, I wanted to remix the Galaxy Man stage theme of Megaman 9. Then, I stopped for some reason and it took some time to become interested again. Now that I'm graduating from a music tech school, I decided to dig this project up and finish it. The melodies are the same and I didn't even add too many extra instruments in order to keep this as nostalgic as possible. Of course the quality is (I hope) lot better. If I have time, I'll record some choirs for this later. Your feedback was and still is very important, hope you enjoy!
  3. http://jennipeltola.bandcamp.com/album/skirmish Here it is: Skirmish from Arctin, a new artist name I'll use in possible future EPs as well. It's been quite a journey with two cases of flu and all, but it's finally finished. I'd love to get any kind of feedback or reviews. Please enjoy!
  4. Thank you, I will do my best to get rid of this evil cough. You had some beautiful tracks yourself, I really liked them. Keep it up!
  5. https://soundcloud.com/napket/orchestral-ep-tracks-1-2 I'm working on a four track orchestral EP, hoping to have it finished somewhere at the beginning of March. I'll probably use Bandcamp or other similar site to distribute the completed EP. In the meantime, I've shared the first samples on my Soundcloud and Tumblr page and would like to share them here too. These are tracks #1 and #2 of the EP. I'm still going to use my own vocals to record the choirs for track #2 after I recover from this cursed prolonged flu. So for now, I just used the choirs from Cubase to give the idea. Cover artwork will be done by my partner later and I'll reveal the names for the tracks and the EP after all is finished. Hope you enjoy!
  6. Aimed to compose a rock song and produced a forest theme for a game? Haha, I like that, thank you! Well, my first idea was to make an ending credits songs of a kind, but then I myself didn't think that this could work as such and I put it in the rock category, making it my first. I'll definitely try and compose another rock piece using the tips you've provided. While orchestral VGM is my main thing, I wish to train in other areas as well and everyone's feedback is very much appreciated.
  7. Thanks mate! I aimed it to be more like folk rock song, if you know what I mean, so I'm happy that you too categorized it as such. The school starts soon, so the first thing I'll do is to ask those friends of mine would they want to play with me (there's one good drummer in that group who's input would definitely be welcome). I'm glad that you liked my other stuff too. Thank you!
  8. This is my first attempt to make a rock (or pop?) song by using Cubase. Lyrics are still in progress, so for now, it's an instrumental version. If my friends at school help me out, then maybe one day we will record this with real instruments. Please enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/napket/its-dangerous-to-go-together
  9. Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
  10. Another song for the soundtrack of a game project my friends are developing. I'm not going to mix it more with my old Cubase, but once I'll get my hands on Logic again, I think it will help me enhance this. Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/napket/get-serious
  11. Thanks, lowering the velocity in that triple beat made the drums sound better. Yeah this ancient version of Cubase doesn't have good brass sounds at all, it's hard trying to make it sound as good as it would in Logic or newer version (with its free samplers or Kontakt). I'll play more with the EQ, hope that'll work.
  12. Despite the fact that I'm broke and all I have is Cubase 5 until school starts again, I got an inspiration. My partner and his friends are working on a game and although I can't say if it's ever going to be finished, I'm composing some music for it. This is the first version of a dungeon/exploring theme: https://soundcloud.com/napket/exploring-the-world I've only added some basic EQ, reverb, dynamics etc. I'm still going to adjust levels and add some automation for instance. Please enjoy and feel free to give feedback!
  13. Okay, here's a finished version. It's quite different now that I removed some parts which made it sound like I had tried to fit three songs in one. Plus I erased the intro, because I sounded like the song had two of them. Now don't mind that weird extra violin sound at about 1:39-1:40, where it suddenly like fades in. I didn't hear it before I handed this assignment in, so it is what it is, hah. https://soundcloud.com/napket/composition-finished
  14. I've decided to crawl out of the hole, after almost a year being away, haha. I'm studying in Worcester in England now, music technology, learning to use software and mix. I'm not working on remixes now because of the huge amount of schoolwork, but I thought I could share the work I've produced at school at least. This is the first original composition I've finished (almost). We had to use drum samples our group recorded and individually edited. I'm going to do the final adjustments on Wednesday with my teacher (check the levels and such), so I'll upload the final version of the song again after that. Plus if you've got some ideas, then of course I'm going to try them before handing this in on the next week. The rest of the stuff on my Soundcloud are jingles created for a radio school assignment, feel free to comment those too if you like. https://soundcloud.com/napket/composition-version1
  15. Well it really seems now that whenever my Cubase is open and I play the song from the winamp, it makes that sound. As soon as I close Cubase, it's fine. But still, when I play the song in Cubase, it keeps jamming. And after exporting and then trying to close Cubase, it crashes. I'm really starting to think this is all because on my laptop. But still have to check those things you kind people mentioned. This is the reason I'm starting my studies in music technology in Worcester... Oh dear me.
  16. http://soundcloud.com/napket/epic-galaxy-v3 Some more epic galaxies. Now it's the edited intro and little more. Just have to recreate that old part I once made and soon this will be finished. I had some trouble with this file, it sounded somehow broken, but now Soundcloud is playing it normally. Edit: I could not leave it alone when I noticed I couldn't hear the strings almost at all, among other things. Had to edit it again before going forward. And maybe this time I will. Perhaps.
  17. Thank you for your advice. Now, when I did the realtime export, the sound was still making this "rattling" noise at first, but now I've played this exported song many times over and over again, and it sounds normal. What in the world, is this just my computer playing with me... And it seems Soundcloud plays it just fine, I'm totally confused... Here's a link, will post it under this remix's own thread too. http://soundcloud.com/napket/epic-galaxy-v3
  18. Oh god, I just don't get it... In Cubase, if I export my mix without reverbs on, the song sounds just fine. But if I turn the reverb on the tracks, and then export the mix, the file sounds like it's broken. This didn't happen with the previous laptop (which wasn't as good as this one is) when I created the first samples. This happened now with the Intro part I've been working on. I wanted to post an update, but the audio file just sounds terrible, like bugged or something. Is anyone else having the same kind of problem? My remix has it's own thread, but I figured maybe I could get more help from here.
  19. http://soundcloud.com/napket/epic-galaxy-intro-2 The perfectionist in me says I still need to work on this a little, but the rookie has to show her progress. I love playing with EQ. There's going to be a new part of the song which then follows intro, and after that comes the part I've uploaded on Soundcloud before. Just have to recreate that one. And then the ending. I'm working hard, getting there, little by little... Edit: Yeah the perfectionist in me had to edit it at least a little. Now it has a bit deeper sound to it (ungh, that sounded better in Finnish than in English, oh well..).
  20. Ah hah hah haa, look how long it's been, my god... Well there has been lots of stuff to do because of the upcoming move to UK, so I paused this project for a while, even though I got new laptop and all. And Gears of War 3! And Mass Effect 3! Yeah, they are to blame! But, now that I have time again, I'm going to finish this. I've been working on the other parts of the song instead of the one I've shared here before. I uploaded the piano intro, which still needs some drums and strings, in Soundcloud, just to show people that I'm not dead. The link to my profile can be found in the signature of this post. Sorry it took this long, but finally you can expect more updates!
  21. I finally got a new laptop! I'm still working at my part-time job, so once that's over (about a week or so), I'm going to start this mix again. Adding trumpets/tubas etc, editing the strings and so on. I want to try how it would work if the main melody would be played by brass instruments instead of strings, but the violin at the end of this part remains, I like it too much. The delay is almost over, hopefully I'll get an update to share with you soon.
  22. So much has happened, all of it bad. My computer crashed, totally broke. Before that I transferred all my files from the computer to Lacie hard drive, including all the music I made and Cubase's files etc. Well, when I tried to open the hard drive with my mothers computer, it says it's empty. Computer says there's almost 17 Gb of stuff, but it can't be seen anywhere, just an empty hard drive. 17 Gb would be far too less anyway, so I'm thinking some kind of virus got my Lacie or something. I tried a hard drive recovery software, found some music files (not the ones I made) and tried to recover them without success. So because of all this, I have to wait until I get my pay and can buy a new computer, install Cubase again and make this remix again. I can't remember all the settings and editing, but I just have to try my best at remaking this. I was so close at finishing the song, but the Lady Luck isn't by my side it seems. So the break is still going to continue, I just hope people, who have helped me this much will remain patient until I can update more. This is as frustrating as waiting for Diablo III, but I promise to start again as soon as I can.
  23. Hello, I'm sorry I've been away for so long, but I've got so much going on right now that I don't have time to finish the remix yet. I'm taking care of my partner's dad's dog until I move at the end of September. And because of the move, all my time goes to the packing up stuff and cleaning and arranging things. I edited the part I've posted earlier and recorded other parts of the song, but I still need to mix a lot. But if not before the move, then once I've settled I can continue without interruptions.
  24. Thank you for your comment! I edited the strings by setting them to start to play earlier, and now it sounds fine. Maybe I wouldn't have noticed that problem without someone mentioning it. Sorry for asking (my English isn't perfect), but does percussion mean the drums/hi-hat etc? I increased the sound for the toms, and it actually sounds now better. Now trying to record my vocals, but because I'm a little bit perfectionist, I'm doing a couple of versions and pick the best. Also, listening the original and playing by ear the rest of the song.
  25. Ok, an updated version of the same loop I've been working on. I'm working on the other parts of the song, but I've been busy, and want to mix this first and receive comments. I edited the strings by making a different tracks for violins and cello. but am I the only one who thinks the main strings could be...well, better? I like the violin at the end, but something bugs me about the rest. EQ is edited on every track now, too. Anyway, all comments are welcome! Soundcloud link http://soundcloud.com/napket/epic-galaxy-v2
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