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Everything posted by Napket

  1. Thank you very much for your comments! Yeah I didn't mix sounds that much, I just wanted to try and find the right instruments. The drums were most difficult for me, that's why I concentrated on them in this first, raw version. Also, I do have a couple of remixes/originals I listen over and over again, mostly the songs from epic movie and game soundtracks like Mass Effect 2 or Hans Zimmer works. They help me a lot more than manuals, because I learn better from critic and by listening, maybe because I can't understand everything in English manuals. Anyway, thank you for encouragement. I'll upload the second version once done, so that I'll know what to use in the finished song. Hey hoy!
  2. Okay, here goes! This is my first ever remix. Original song is from Mega Man 9, Galaxyman stage. This piece is from that catchy main part of the song, original should be found from Youtube. I listened this over and over and over again trying to get it sound okay. I'm a rookie, so forgive me, if the instruments do not sound that good, but all the advice is welcome! Mostly I adjusted the attack rates among other things. I didn't have any notes, I tried to listen the original piece and play by the ear, but a remix should have something of my own, right? Anyway, please do not hesitate to post good or bad comments, from critics we new guys learn, right? Soundcloud link http://soundcloud.com/napket/epic-galaxy edit: The choirs can't be heard well, but I intend to use my own voice in majority of the remixes I'll make. I now just tried with this sound (didn't have time to record my voice), it won't be in finished song.
  3. OK, thank you! I created instrument tracks and used Halion as output and it works fine. The reason why I set it to my keyboard was that I wanted to use the keyboard's sounds, didn't know that I actually can't do that. Ah, and now I got Halion in my midi output. There was this step of loading VST as output I forgot, so I didn't have any other outputs on the list than Wavetable and my keyboard. Yeah, I'm going to practice some more today with instrument and midi tracks. I really hope I'll get to the music making course someday, this is hard by myself and starting from nothing. Thank you guys. :> EDIT: The first recording is about 50 seconds long, yay. I'll just post a link to my blog, the link for the recording can be found there (it's in Soundcloud). http://composingnapket.blogspot.com/
  4. Thank you, that cleared things a lot. Okay, I set my output to my keyboard and now it works fine (I dunno why it joked around last time, couldn't find the USB Uno or whatever). I made 5 midi tracks with 5 channels from my keyboard. Forgive me, if I can't explain correctly in English, but I'll try with a picture: http://s88.photobucket.com/albums/k166/Ryuu_/?action=view&current=guu.jpg Maybe there's easier way of doing this, but for now this is what I did. 5 tracks in 5 channels. Tracks can be played, if the channels are on/active. I use my headphones, which are attached to my keyboard and the song plays through them. I tried to do exactly like in the manual or other forums suggested, but I'm stuck now here. I have this data, but how do I save (or export was the other term) it as wav/mp3/mid file so that it can be played with music players like winamp? The keyboard's manual has some instructions for sending/receiving midi data by pressing keyboards MIDI button, but I couldn't get it to work. If I try to do as in manual by going to the File menu and selecting export audio mixdown, it says after a while "Sorry, a Timeout occured". I may be doing something now wrong again, but please forgive a beginner.
  5. OK, here again. :> I managed to record both Instrument and MIDI tracks. With instrument track the sounds (for example piano sound) are way better than MIDI. In instrument track I used HalionOne's piano sound Jazz Piano A (in output), and it sounded great. I'm sorry to sound clueless, but what is Kontakt? Do I have to own something like that (have I really tried to make music without something I should have)? Do you mean "being sent to the VST" as in the output is set to the keyboard? Because I tried this, recorded, got the data but couldn't hear anything. Maybe I again understood wrong because of the language.. When I recorded MIDI, my output was set to Cubase's Microsoft Wavetable Synth. I got the sound and all, but the piano sounded bad. Do I just have to edit the sound somehow? I still haven't tried much editing, I only managed to record at last.
  6. Kanthos - Thanks, I'm happy that you can understand my writing. Some of it anyway. And it's OK to say things straight, I understand better that way. I can write English better than speak it, and if I really concentrate, I make only few mistakes (most of them being grammar fails). I can only hope my English gets better while living in the UK. Neblix - Yeah you're right, I didn't have much of a clue about MIDI before I came here for help. I'm now studying the basics in English (more information than in Finnish, we Finns seem to like it simple ). So that's why I think you did the right thing not to "worry" me just yet. I'm staying with my parents for this weekend, so I'll get back to you at the start of the next week, once I'm with my keyboard again. And as soon as I have some music, I will share it!
  7. Kanthos - Haha, I'm sorry, you're right. I wasn't going to ask everything here. Afterall, I do can read the manuals. And use Google. I was just so annoyed I couldn't get things to work, shouldn't have raged while posting to thread, could have just taken the simpliest way. Really sorry! Forgive me, if that sounded trolling or somewhat funny, it's just my English. Not so good. neblix - Done, now reading Cubase's help and Google tips. Thank you! Thank you for all your help, I don't know what will happen in couple of months because we are going to move in Worcester, UK. I'm not sure if I can take my keyboard with me, probably can't. Then I just have to buy another in UK and I'll do all this with it too. But it shouldn't be a big issue now that I got the old keyboard to work. I'll be back, if there's something more. And thank you again!
  8. Ok, now I have same kind of window like the one you posted. I named my keyboard Casio, and now I have there All MIDI inputs (my USB is on the list too) and under it Casio. If I use headphones (or without) I can hear the sound of me clicking and typing or doing whatever. So how to record now?
  9. Ok, I installed updates for Cubase, and now I can see the buttons. Thank you! Now if I hit F11, I can't see my keyboard on the list. If I go to the Device Setup, it shows my USB Uno Midi In there, in MIDI port setup and says it's active when my keyboard is on. If I create Instrument track and pick for example normal piano sound from the list, there's this Input Routing to where I can set my USB Uno at. So this is where I'm now, still there's no sound if I play or record (surely just because there's something I haven't set yet right).
  10. Hey again. I now try to make this easier and got Cubase 5. In the device setup it looks like Cubase found my keyboard and all, and now I tred to make the instrument track, but this box just stops me (link below, someone got the same problem). http://dnbforum.com/showthread.php?105419-How-to-add-VST-MIDI-tracks-in-Cubase-5 I tried what would happen, if a midi track would be creatied and the same box happens. If I exit the box, there won't be a track. I'm "a little" lost now, but I hope you can help me with Cubase better. :>
  11. Haha, sorry, looks like I explained all wrong. I DID mean that I want to play the keyboard and have Acid to record what I play, not the music that is stored in the keyboard. Sorry if you misunderstood me, sorry. What you said is the main problem I have: I hit the record button and play the keyboard with my hands but there's no sound at all. I try to create MIDI track and Audio track and then record, but nothing gets recorded. Is WK-1600,I don't know, too old keyboard or something that it doesn't work right, or is there something wrong in the USB cable? I thank you for your time!
  12. Thank you for your reply! I tried to set the channels right, but obviously I failed at that because I couldn't record. I think I'm somehow doing it wrong, so can you perhaps help me to get the Acid set right? Edit: My intention was to record the music I played from keyboard to Acid Pro, I just stored the music in the keyboard so that I wouldn't forget what I had played already. So yes, I set Acid to take input from my keyboard, but now the channels may be the thing I don't understand right.
  13. Heya! Some time ago, I told you about making music with my Casio 1600 keyboard and Acid Pro 7. I haven't been around for a long time, but now that I'm giving more time for making music I have new problems. I can't send my midi music from my keyboard to computer in Acid Pro. I think the problem could be in the software itself, but what other should I use? I have used keyboards channels (sequencer tracks) to record my music just so I won't forget it ( I suck at writing notes) and I wanted to send/record with Acid Pro those pieces I have in my keyboard to my computer but I can't figure out how. I've read software's own intructions over and over again without success. I have M-Audio USB controller to connect my keyboard to my computer. When I try to record while keyboard being connected, I can't hear any sound at all. What would you suggest? I'll tell more if my explanation was too difficult to understand.
  14. Argh, ok, I'll upload as soon as I've bought NEW midi cable, turns out the one I have is too small for my Casio. Have to buy some kind of add-on or a new cable (I really hope they sell them in my local music store..). Yes, Casio is my main keyboard and I assign one instrument in one channel, and use song -button to play them all together. But I'll get back to you tomorrow, if I can find new midi cable. Thank you for the links!
  15. Hello! I'm a beginner in composing my own music/making remixes. I prefer making epic symphonic remixes, which have the same melodies as the original songs, only with different drums, maybe my own vocals etc. I remind: I am a beginner, with no finished remixes. I'm using old Casio WK 1600 keyboard and I have Acid Pro 7.0 software. I also have Yamaha YPT 400 keyboard, but I think Casio has better drums and piano sounds. Yamaha can be connected to my computer, I'm not so sure about Casio yet how to work with MIDI cables (please help me here too, if you know the answer). So far I have used Casio's channels (11-16) to record different instruments and sounds separetly and then play the whole thing with SONG -button and all the recorder channels on. My first practices have been only about 30 seconds long. I'm asking remixing tips with keyboards similiar to which I have and Acid Pro 7.0. Should I record one short sample (drums for example) at a time and transfer it to my computer and use Acid Pro to modify the sample, or should I record the whole songs different parts in channels and then transfer the whole piece to computer? I think it would be easier to create one short sample and mod it with Acid Pro, but I need some help with this programm. I appreciate all the help I can get. Maybe when I'll finish my first remixes, I'll share them with you (if I manage to create anything at all). Sorry, if board about these keyboards+software already exists.
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