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Posts posted by NeonGaming

  1. All right, TWO songs this time? Yeah, but they're mostly identical. One is a rapid version, and the other is not.

    It still sounds like a MIDI, though. FL Studio plus my 6-channel limit (self-made) pisses me off.

    Deus ex tenebris- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_tnOLoHb2o

    Deus ex tenebris- Mors accedere- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7mnijsTseo

    Note: This has NOTHING to do with Deus ex. I got the idea from the antagonist being a god and me knowing a bit of Latin.

  2. This is how I believe that everyone should do when they're working on a remix.

    1. Get an awesome idea while asleep and pop awake at the sheer epicness.

    2. Hum all the instruments.

    3. Think why did you just do that.

    4. Try to hum it again, but fail miserably.

    5. Try to make the song using your program of choice.

    6. Become bored and see my post on OC.

    8. Think about it for a second.

    9. Read my signature and try to decode it.

    10. Reread my post and notice that I'm missing number 7. Laugh about it.

    11. Keep working on the song.

    12. Swear about not having the proper soundfont (had that too many times)

    13. Try to improvise and fail.

    14. Take a nap.

    Repeat as many times as necessary.

  3. I have the WAVs, but I can't find a good program to make them into a huge soundfont for a remix I'm making. (World 8 of SMB3)

    I tried Vienna, but it won't boot because there is no SoundFont Compatible Device inserted. I think it may be the lack of a proper sound card, but I don't really know.

    EDIT: Just found that I have Awave Studio, but I'm not entirely sure on how to use it or if I can make SF2 files with it. Used it before for ripping, it's a funny story.

  4. I just picked up a Sony Walkman NWZ-E345 16GB for $90. It's on clearance at Sony's online store. My only complaint is that you can't sort by album artist. Right now I use WMP because Winamp doesn't have very good MTP or USB support right now. Hopefully that will change. Either way, sound quality is pretty good and the headphone jack seems more durable than the iPod's. (that's what went bad on my old nano 1G)

    Same, bought a E345 when it was 150$ and the dates are very confusing at times (three 3300's? What?) but it does the job right.

  5. Thank you, my name is NeonGaming. I had a better name, but it was taken. I joined after ocremix on YouTube asked to be my friend and I got interested further in OverClocked remixes.

    I use FL Studio 9 XXL for making music, and I just got it, so I'm not the best with it. Right now, I'm making a remix of World 8 from SMB3, and I'm also making a video game (although it's no in dev. process yet) myself.

    Also, my favorite remixer is... SnappleMan. Yeah, probably him.

    EDIT: I made a quick remix of the underground level in SMB1, but I'm not too happy with it.

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