I've restarted and copied all the tracks to another save, piece by piece, so it's got a fresh EQ on everything.
2 things for the first 2 I restated up there: both of those statements go against each other.. If it were a midi rip, then it would/should be the original source. Plus, I made it all from scratch; it's more challenging and more rewarding like that, hehe.
- Guitar samples are not good : I do know this; I've been trying to find a good way to keep a good quality recording for my own guitar playing.
The bass I have changed alot, actually; so it's got a somewhat new feel to it. I've changed the drums up a bit, too; specifically kick drum areas where they needed to be, and changed ride/ louder un-needed parts back to the way they should be.
I don't have a current version yet, but I'm going to clean it up alot. the next time a new version will be posted, it should also have real guitar in it as well. (exception: I suck and can only play decently hard rhythm parts)
So.. be sure to watch for an update, it's been alot of help so far!