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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. I'd just like to say I officially hate the new water physics. I can't use waterfalls as elevators and I can't get to the sources of underground rivers without mining around the water. And apparently mob farming machines are bork'd.

  2. Kingdom Hearts II?

    It pushed the first one to its limits and far beyond! Gameplay was really enjoyable.

    Yet another one mentioned in both threads.

    The best game sequels, in my opinion?

    -Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - perfected the formula without introducing the surplus of gimmick levels in Warped.

    -Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Same general idea as the above. The first game was awesome, the sequel polished everything to perfection.

    -Jak II - A much darker tone to the whole thing than could be expected for a sequel to The Precursor Legacy, as well as a massive increase in difficulty, but it worked. I love everything about this game. Well, except for that one mission in the Water Slums...

    -Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Added some much needed depth to the mechanics of its predecessor. Upgradeable health, weapons, and armor, and some neat space levels that strangely didn't make it into the next game.

    -Sly 2: Band of Thieves - Quite possibly the best game on the PS2. This game has it all. Solid visuals, fun soundtrack, great gameplay, and an interesting story with lots of character development. Bentley is the reason I like turtles.

    -Metroid II: Return of Samus - If Metroid is the black sheep among Nintendo franchises, this game is probably the black sheep among Metroid (well, not counting Metroid Prime Pinball). But it introduced a lot of key mechanics that have become staples of the series. Samus' ship, the Space Jump, the Spazer and Plasma Beams, the ginormous shoulder pads on the Varia Suit, etc...

    -Metroid: Zero Mission - It's technically a remake, but it carries all the usual traits of a refined sequel. This was the one that finally nailed the spirit of the series perfectly. The superior controls and physics of Fusion combined with the open-ended gameplay of Super. One of my favorite games of all time.

    -Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - A lot of people don't like the card-based combat, but I loved the strategy element that it added without sacrificing the real-time battles. Additionally, the remake it got on the PS2 had some great voice-acting and pretty graphics.

    -Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - As I would expect with Naughty Dog, this polished the already excellent first game even more, and added multiplayer (multiplayer has gone to seed at this point, but it used to be great).

  3. As a platformer guy, I can't say I've ever really been into FPS overall. The only FPS series I've ever liked is Metroid Prime, and I'm not sure that counts as a real FPS - more like a First Person Platshooter. I played MAG for a while, but that was for the community aspect.

    Yes, that's right, FPS all have their share of idiots and jerks playing online, but they all have some great people who play them as well. I made a lot of friends playing MAG.

    More to the point, concerning the violence thing: I generally prefer my games without insane amounts of blood and gore. Completely turning off blood in a game is pretty jarring, though, and things like that aren't less likely to "desensitize audiences to violence" (a phenomenon which I don't necessarily believe exists, or at least not to the same extent and degree others believe), since it ignores a real-world consequence of shooting or harming someone (kind of like how more censor-happy dubs of Dragon Ball Z cheapened death more rather than less by having it simply referred to as being "sent to another dimension").

    While I personally don't care for ultra-messy-blood-and-guts action, I don't think the law has any place restricting the sale of games that contain such things, and even if a law were warranted, it wouldn't help; it's already been mentioned that banning something like this only creates or strengthens a black market for it. Kids would easily find methods of obtaining the games with or without heavy restrictions.

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