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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. So I'm definitely going to be purchasing FL Studio. I've been thinking about this for months, and I think I've gone as far as I can without shelling out for some decent software.

    But I have a question: looking at the different versions, I'm not sure if I want the Fruity Edition or the Producer Edition. Which should I get?

    I'm leaning toward Producer, since I'll always be able to "grow into it." But old habits die hard, and I'm still ridiculously cheap. So I'm also wondering if I could get away with buying Fruity. Just how advantageous are the advantages, and can equivalent features be gotten for free with different software? Would I be able to upgrade later if I change my mind, rather than paying full price for the next version up?

    Your thoughts are welcome.

  2. That would be massively helpful. I'm just getting into all this now and finding information that's accessible to a beginner is quite an endeavor. Maybe it'll change over the years as I familiarize myself with audio production, but right now I see composing as the easy part and everything else as the true challenge.

    So true. I've taken piano since early elementary school, and have a decent grasp (well, a not-completely-sucky grasp, anyway) of musical theory. But I have zero familiarity with software and other technical aspects. DAW, VST, and other such acronyms are mysteries to me.

  3. Use both. Use the guitar one as the song that actually plays during the village, and use the piano version as a reprise for the "end credits song that combines all the themes in the game" later on. Or vice-versa. For the purposes of the description of where the song is meant to be played, the guitar would be better. But you should never let a good piano arrangement go to waste.

  4. Heh, yeah. I could use a better piano sound, but I'm not sure where to get one or how to implement it with Anvil Studio.

    On a related note, FL Studio, whenever a song restarts, always sets the instruments back from what I've set them to, to what they were when I loaded the MIDI. Is it supposed to do that, since it's the demo version, or am I doing something wrong?

    In any case, thanks for your thoughts.

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