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Posts posted by pokemoneinstein

  1. Seriously, it's a troll. Don't waste time. Delete, report, done. The more you get riled up, the more you feed the troll. If you do know your orchestration isn't that good, spend time working on it, not fussing over youtube comments. 10,000 hour rule; trolls ain't got no slice of that pie.

    I'm not here to complain about him, I'm here to find out if what he said has any validity to it. To an extent, sure it does. But I'm here to get feedback on both my own and his version for how to improve as a musician. The primary goal here is improvement, the story was just an explanation of what got me thinking about a piece I made so long ago. I would have put it in the Workshop forum, but because it's comparison, I wasn't sure that was the place for it.

  2. Honestly, I'm not sure which is better production wise since I am not a mixer or anything like that.

    Well, you don't need to be an expert to be able to tell that neither of these is very good. I suppose the question should have been "which is less bad"

    Regardless, thanks for your input. I find that to often be the case, as well.

  3. So I made

    . I spent about 10 minutes on it, it's only a few seconds long, and I made it as a demo song as celebration of getting EWQLSO Gold. There are a few mistakes I made in the notes, but if I do say so myself, the production is pretty good overall, and it's a decent piece.

    Then this guy comes along, bashing it relentlessly. He made about 15 comments insulting me and the piece (he clearly only listened to that one piece and no other works of mine before going on to insult me outside of musical ability). I try to remain level-headed, but obviously, that gets difficult with someone so belligerent. I ask him to leave with every comment he makes, and every time I do so, he just keeps going. It escalated to the point where I blocked him, and he decided to make an alternate account just to keep insulting me directly, through YouTube's personal messaging system. I then reported him for harassment, but that's beside the point.

    So he makes his own version to prove something. What that may be, I don't know, because frankly, I think his is terrible. It's longer than mine, sure, and he didn't show the same carelessness I did with mine (but come on, I spent 10 minutes on the thing, I wasn't trying to make it amazing). But ultimately, it uses only strings, with little variation in the sound aside from jarring velocity changes that frankly, make it unbearable. To me, it sounds like he has absolutely no idea how to properly mix a song, leaving his mix sounding incredibly un-proficient. (He's also got another orchestral cover that I find to be even worse for all the same reasons.)

    So I'm here to get the opinions from you guys, the ones who know what they're doing really well. Is he right to be so arrogant? Is my work better overall, or is his? What can I learn from this whole thing to better myself as a musician? I would ask what can he learn, but I've politely offered my help to him over PM and he made it very clear he doesn't want any "advice" from the likes of me.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts and/or critiques on the matter.

  4. I was on the phone with Applecare the other day, and they had me delete a file called PACEsupport.kext. It turns out, EWQL can't run without it. it's an anti-piracy thing, and for some reason, the driver refuses to install on my computer. Anyway, I was hoping somebody here would be kind enough to try to find it on their computer and send me a copy. For Mac users, it should be under System/Library/Extensions, or a quick spotlight search could do the trick. For PC users, a search should work, but I don't know where it's stored. Thanks in advance to anybody who comes along to help!

  5. You know, I'd really love to hear you do something from Pikmin. Regardless, what sort of percussion do you use in remixes such as this, the Super Mario World ending theme, and others? It works very well with orchestrations like this and I'd love to get my hands on it. I know you develop a lot of original sounds for commercial companies. Is it something you made for distribution?

  6. I'm setting a new deadline, July 22nd. You have two weeks to get your WIPs in. In the mean time, anyone who's got any progress at all, It'd be nice if you could show me where' you're at. WIPs should be nearly complete by the deadline. I'll cut a little bit of slack, but two weeks in the summer should be plenty of time for many of you.

  7. Believe me, I've looked for a better one. It's not a big deal, though, since this theme is so well-known.

    Alright, I brightened the piano a teensy bit and evened out the louder notes (all of them I could find, anyway). And can you clarify what you mean by "too dynamic"? I'd argue that if there were any major problem, it'd be that it repeats itself with no variation form the first time around at the very end.

    And the velocities of the low notes are pretty varying, so I assume you meant that they were mostly eighth notes. I humanized the timing, but I think it actually sounds much worse. You're the expert here, so maybe I'm just misunderstanding you. Regardless, here's the new version:

    With bass timing altered: https://www.box.com/s/33dbd30c79f7fa53c70e

    Without bass timing altered: https://www.box.com/s/411cf44d7481a7aeedb5

  8. Alright, so after a few months of not working on it, I set aside a big chunk of time to put the finishing touches on my resub version of the song. Here are some of the biggest notes from mods:

    Not enough humanization

    Cameo themes are too similar to their originals

    Ending feels too abrupt

    Not enough variation in percussion

    Volume levels are too constant

    Humanization: I think I did okay on this. I humanized the piano, mostly. The string stabs, too. And if I recall correctly, I actually ditched the brass stabs.

    Cameo themes: I added some variation on each one. DragonAvenger suggested I could choose one or two and expand on them, but I like the way I have it done now.

    Percussion Variation: Not sure about this one. I'm terrible at writing percussion, so I'm not sure I managed to get it quite to the level that it needed to be. Hopefully I'm wrong.

    Ending: Changed a lot of the arrangement. Overall, it's just more fluid now. I also changed up the arrangement of the lead for the third repetition of the chorus to keep it fresher.

    And after fixing these and other issues with the song, here's the newest version. Thoughts, anybody? How did I do? https://www.box.com/s/6618b4d42b18841dfc22

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