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Posts posted by SkyRiderX

  1. Hey it's been awhile and sorry I've been out of touch with the project. Things have just been really busy and I haven't gotten a chance to catch up on a lot of stuff but I'd like to sign up for my old track - Saria's Song mixed the Fishing Hole from Twilight Princess. Here's a touched up version of my older submission but I think I might just start from scratch and try some new things out :


    Hope to work with you all again and see this project finally get finished!

  2. Ok! Here's the final version pretty much. I've fleshed out the opening and added a few more instruments with a lower tone to help balance out the overall pitch as well adding some more melody twists in there. I'm gonna mark this done but any feedback given will be taken into consideration since I will be submitting this to the judge panel. May they have mercy on this track....

    Track here's the new link : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/465562

  3. Sorry this took so long but I got swamped in work again and didn't get a chance to start reworking this until recently.

    Here's a link to the song : http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/450157

    Here's a link to the previous version of the song: http://soundcloud.com/skyriderx/skyriderx-ff9-forgotten-dream

    Things I've started working on/changed:

    - Tried to bring the strings out a bit more in the opening. Still working a couple side harmonies for that too.

    - Working on a Pad for 0:30 to help support that transition.

    - Added lows strings to transition melody at 0:38.

    - Working on a couple more instruments to alternate the melody with.

    - Tried adding some drum work at 1:38 for fun. I think I might take that out...

  4. Thanks for the feedback. I'm trying to beef it up instrument wise to try and fill the space up a bit. The original melody was really repetitive so I tried my best to vary it up as best I could. A good chunk of it is actual improve really to help it flow a bit better. I'm glad it loops so well you barely noticed :razz:

  5. As much as I want to really expand and do more for this song I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave the remix in this state and call it done for now due to the fact that I'm swamped in other work at the moment. Maybe once I'm done with my current projects I can come back to it and really spruce it up. Hope you all enjoy all the same! 8)

    --- SkyRiderX

  6. This is my remix of Frately's theme from Final Fantasy 9, Unforgotten Silhoutte. It's very similiar to Freya's theme since they are in love but I think his has a much different feel and flow to it since it describes a much different character. I wanted to try and make a song to ellaborate more on him and also kinda of give him a battle theme since I think it's a shame you get to use Beatrix and not him sometime in the game. Well take a listen and tell me what you guys think!

    --- SkyRiderX


    Link to original song:

  7. Brush that picture both makes me laugh and at the same time scares the hell out of me..

    Crossing - As to not sound like a broken record for what's already been said I'll just say that I agree with what Lvl 99 said. You didn't describe the whole project very well and after Lucid Dreaming came out (yet another great album from OCR now xD) I don't think many people will want to join into this since this project seems to be something very similar to what's already been done. I'd wait awhile and maybe come back and you might some better feedback. Wishing you the best of Luck!!


  8. I've been playing since beta and pre-season and LoL has been tons of fun every game. granted that leavers,trollers and disconnects often screw a whole game over sometimes but most of my matches are very evenly matched and really make players focus to win. Feel free to add me if you want - (Zurken)

    My champs:

    -Master Yi

    - Malz




    - Caitlyn

    I can playa bunch of others but these are my favorites :-D

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