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Everything posted by shawn2point0

  1. I just joined a band recently, so on top of school, work and them, there hasn't been too much time to work on any remixes or originals, but I was able to squeeze this little quick heavy tune out the other day. I'm still in the process of working on the mix and arrangement, but it still sounds pretty legit. Thoughs, comments? http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/its-happening-now
  2. This here is a progressive metal idea I came up with yesterday afternoon, I want to know what should I do or add. It's still pretty barebones. Thanks guys:-) http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/roadtriptovegas
  3. Idea from me playing piano for a few minutes this morning. Nothing serious at all. Location: Winston-Salem , NC Downtown 4th Street
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBrSzv5SUbA Progressive rock song of the day ...... ? Bleh
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghvlYB0I7TY This song was honestly made out of boredom and free time. Didn't spend too much time at all on it, but it was pretty fun. Feedback maybe ? Or you guys could just give it a listen . thanks \m/
  6. Song idea that I have been sitting on for about a year now. FInally figured out what to do with it. Enjoy guys feedback / ideas ?
  7. http://youtu.be/EDwVKt1gYM0 Fully developed progressive metal song that I worked on (from the 7 string idea) with @JohnxCage (vocals) I redid most of the rhythms and arranged some parts different to fit the song better. I hope you guys enjoy it. \m/ I did the instrumentation, John did vocals. Checkout his channel as well http://www.youtube.com/user/xxCAGExx feedback ! I am aware that I suck at mixing vocals but I'm more of an instrumental guy anyway, right?
  8. wow dude 40+ songs. I will listen in the morning bro.
  9. thanx alot guys. I will work on mixing more \m/
  10. An idea I found and decided to finish. It's not much, but it seems like a solid arrangement. I played different segments of each guitar track in the video [there are 3 in total] The electronica segment at the end is covered by footage of my drunken self O.o enjoy guys. If you like it, feel free to download off of my soundcloud page - - http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/resort-to-cabbage-1
  11. thanx alot bro. I've been working on a decent piano tone as well.
  12. it does sound like more of a cover but dude this is fucking raw \m/ good job
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iB3iJAE_3s This was my first test run on my new recording computer and also my first composition using Ableton 8 suite which is the best software I've ever touched in my life. Enjoy it guys !
  14. I haven't been working on too much electronic stuff in the last couple of months, but I did find this cool idea hiding in one of my folders, so I decided to go ahead and finish it off. Nothing too complicated here, but still a good mix.
  15. Pretty cool idea I have been working on extensively for the last week . Please check it out guys http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=1099395&songID=10769193
  16. thanks for the feedback , bro ! I totally agree with everything you said about it here. I've gotten a bit better at recording metal . thanx for listening !
  17. This was a mix I did awhile back testing out my addictive drums mixing a bit. Not perfect by a long shot but check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJljFWJk04A
  18. Quick mix I put together back in January to test out my new Ibanez bass. Check it out guys ! ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfqo66EHhRk
  19. aw man I was only kidding:nicework:
  20. the heart only pumps blood ! ! ! !
  21. thanks man. i dont have the brain power to come up with anything similar to that anymore
  22. hey guys, this is a wierd kind of experimental rock/metal song I wrote a few months back. I was wondering if i should do more like it or not. http://youtu.be/045UuQmrE0w
  23. This is a small clip I came up with last night, I was wondering if I should continue the idea or not. The genre is alternative metal . check it out and give me feed back guys. thanx guys http://youtu.be/H2K93yuZpbw
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