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Rabid Pickle

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  1. Thanks for listening The intro guitar is supposed to sound like crap. Gives some contrast. The drums are not off at 0:26, its just a big fill. And the bass is not off at 1:52, its right where it is supposed to be. Can you be more clear about the lead guitar? the only lead guitar in the song starts at 1:55 in the big ending. The original MIDI version of this is just section after section. Basically just the "instrument" switching, so I kept it that way also. The ending is also supposed to sound that way. Just a giant mass of sound. But the main melody is still clearly heard in there. The low-end pulse sound at the end is just a noise. I'm sorry that and 1:45 doesn't make sense to you. Can't help you there It seems most of the issues you have with this are just your personal preferences.
  2. I posted this a year or two ago but I just recently updated it and it sounds 10x better. Thanks for listening https://soundcloud.com/woodwardmixing/doom
  3. Very good! Vocals really work in this
  4. My metal cover of The Demon's Dead from Doom 2. I posted it a while ago but it wasn't quite done yet. It isn't eligible to be judged but I hope your ear-holes enjoy it.
  5. That is an interesting take! Much less ominous sounding than the original in my opinion, has a cool dreamy feel to it. Unfortunately the judges won't accept this song because they say its a black sabbath "cover". Yes, all of the Doom songs were ripped off from some metal band but to call it a cover is stupid. Wish they weren't too lazy to post a DO NOT REMIX list of songs. Check mine out http://soundcloud.com/woodwardmixing/doom
  6. Now THIS I appreciate. This is an honest, detailed critique. Thank you!
  7. Your English is hopeless. thank you!
  8. Haha sorry but I can't take advice on drums from someone who uses a garbage can as a snare drum in their song. Thats what it is...right?
  9. Drums are obviously programmed and sound bad. The repetitive sound of them gets very tiring to the ears fast. Could use some EQ to be less harsh, especially cymbals. Guitars are very thin. The synth stuff is pretty cheesy and sounds old. Overall sounds like a Ministry ripoff. Keep working on it! you'll get it right eventually
  10. First, DragonAvenger wasn't saying it was voted NO, he was just saying it hadn't necessarily been voted YES yet. And to that I replied "fair enough" I DID read what you wrote but most of that was just your opinion. The "muddiness" you complained about is exactly how I wanted it to sound at the end and I didn't want reverb on drums on the intro. You told me to pan the guitars left and right which they already are. Its so easy to spout off "oh you just need some EQ and compression, and balancing" but once again...specifics? There is plenty of EQ and compression where needed. And balancing....? Where are your remixes, genius?
  11. The track was "no'd" because some Judge says its a cover of a Black Sabbath song, which it isn't at all. I just think its shitty that they don't have a "Don't Bother With These Songs" list or something. And the only people I'm pissed at are judges who spout some shit to get me off their back and don't mean a word of it. Oh, and morons who are only attacking my mix just because I'm arguing with the almighty judges.
  12. Obviously cheap huh? Give me some specifics.
  13. Liontamer, have you looked into this?
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