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Everything posted by SuperTrey09

  1. Still planning to record guitars and maybe replace some of the synth with guitar leads. Lemme know what ya think. For a Few Turtles More (TMNT4 Train Remix) SNES Version
  2. .....................||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ............|||||||||.........,,,...,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,.,||||||| .........///...,,,...,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,.............|||||||||| .......///....................................................................||||||| ..//||................,,..``````..,,.....................__;'``````\..........||||||| .||.................¸.\..#o0o##;,...;;..;............¸.\#o0##;,;;|...........|||| .||.......................;.............`..................|...................,,.........||| .||...............___``.................................|..........~*--``........,.....|||| ..|||||,,,|......(............,,,`...._.................../`<,,,...................`,.`,|||| ......|||||........`;..............,{_...*``..........¸`_}.......,,.....,,...,`...//]||| ........|||||........)__________________________//........||||||| ............\\.......|-------|-------|-------|-----|-----|--|-|||........||||||| ................\\.....\\_______________________//.........||||||| ..................\\.........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,......,........||||||| ...................\\............,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,.,.,.,,,.,.,,....,,....||||||| .........................\\____..`..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,.,,,,........,,.......||||||| ...................................\\____.............................,,........||||... ............................................\\_________________//.....
  3. Yeah I have some nit-picky issues with the mix myself.. Mostly I feel like it's too bass heavy when I listen through my speakers and when I listen with my headphones it sounds a lot different. It's difficult for me to judge how to level everything out perfectly and it turn out good on other speakers too. Plus I don't have all the cool expensive mastering software I would like either. I imagine in the process of trying to create a decent master I jacked up some of my initial mix. As for theme itself, it is rather repetitive. I tried to make several small variations of it to keep it interesting though.
  4. I submitted this a few weeks ago but if you wanna hear it now, here it is. Hard for me to say whether it'll pass the judge panel so lemme know if you guys think it's passable, awesome, sucky, lame or whatever. http://youtu.be/9FsJAXsnVLU If you like it, you're welcome to subscribe to me or download it from MegaUpload (in the description of Youtube video) Thanks, Trey
  5. At this point more of a remake than a remix I think. Please let me know what you think http://soundcloud.com/treydieterich/dkc3-factory-nuts-and-bolts
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