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SectorZ's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. SectorZ Beautiful Bloody Bats (Dark Necrobat in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Tortured by Dreams (Flame Stag in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Myth Lab (Rainy Turtloid in Gate's Laboratory [X6])
  2. SectorZ Chiral (Spiral Pegacion in Sigma Palace [X8]) Straight Outta RAGE (Flame Stag in Sigma Palace X8) Requiem for a Reploid (Shield Sheldon in Sigma Palace [X8])
  3. SectorZ F.I.N.A.L. (Magma Dragoon in Final Weapon [X4]) Release the Kraken (Volt Kraken in Final Weapon [X4]) Space Base (Shining Hotaronicus in Final Weapon [X4])
  4. SectorZ Tribal Hunter (Splash Warfly in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) Laser Power (Shield Sheldon in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2]) Cloud Hopping (Spiral Pegacion in X-Hunter Stage 1 [X2])
  5. SectorZ MMMDop (Slash Beast in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Tropical Relaxation Method (Cyber Peacock in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Arsonist (Flame Mammoth in Doppler Stage 1 [X3])
  6. SectorZ Electric Moves & Cephalopod Grooves (Volt Kraken in Palace Ground [X]) Wanderforce (Gravity Antonion in Palace Ground [X]) My Beerly Beerloved (Blizzard Buffalo in Palace Ground [X])
  7. Still waiting on DarkeSword to vote. Your mix was in fourth place, last I checked.
  8. Darke, how many mixes do you have for this week so far? Does it look like we'll hit 100%?
  9. Are there some teams that we don't know who the mixer for this week is?
  10. It looks like we have nine contestants so far. Can we get three more?
  11. Yes, YES!! This is a great idea!!
  12. Um...is this compo ever going to end? I need some closure to move on with my life.
  13. Wow, what happened with the Wildfire/Ben Briggs vote? I wasn't on here all week, and from listening to the songs, I would have thought the vote margin would have been razor-thin. Instead, the voting looks like Wildfire's song was just her screaming into a microphone for 3 minutes. Weird.
  14. Great to have you on board. I enjoy your stuff! I guess Boomer Kuwanger is kind of like the hot chick everyone asks to the prom.
  15. Yes. SectorZ is pleased! I still listen to your first (and only) submission from the SZRC. It was quite good, and I'm looking forward to hearing more of your work -- especially since it's Storm Owl. WillRock, Neblix, and TheGuitahHeroe? Also, Arceace.
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