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Everything posted by proksi

  1. Thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely look into the drums, but I remember having a hard time EQing since the frequency of my wobbles was all over the place, aswell as the sub filling up the lowest frequencies. Will check though Cheers for taking the time and listening
  2. Awesome vibe. Keep it up!
  3. Hey guys, here's my second CT dubstep remix. I've only got a minute so far and am looking for some tips and feedback. Original OST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1MNfzZFEbE Dubstep Remix (WIP): http://soundcloud.com/danielairey/the-hidden-truth-dubstep-remix I know theres a bit of bass overload when the drop hits btw, I'll fix that.
  4. Thanks a heap, I guess it's a compliment if it reminds you of Skrillex, he's pretty great. Also thanks for the piano tips, I'll definitely look into that and improve it. I might bring the piano bass notes up a bit aswell, if i don't take your advice and pull em out completely. Changing up the structure a good idea. I reckon i can atleast put in a violin hit on the offbeats in the middle section between the drops thanks for again for the feedback guys
  5. Hey guys! I love Frog's Theme, from the amazing Chrono Trigger, so decided to put together a dubstep remix of it. I appreciate all feedback Link: http://soundcloud.com/danielairey/frogs-theme-dubstep-remix
  6. thanks heaps =) i'm still adding and improving to it though, so expect durastic improvements and more bits and pieces for the final version. also, WOAH!! a fellow NZer!!
  7. hey guys, this here's my second WIP (the first of which i only sent to Star to claim the track) it's goron's lullaby + stone tower temple let me know what you think! http://www.mediafire.com/?n16rnamu0019qji
  8. this guy is incredible. ENTER ME UP =)!
  9. hey there =) this here's about the hylian melodies

    i'm pretty keen for this project, since zelda's probably my favourite series. this here is a quick WIP just so to claim the song and so you can get a fair idea of my style. expect a FAR more fleshed out track very soon

    linky: http://www.mediafire.com/?pc8cxoxo7nryo4b

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