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Everything posted by YannickJason

  1. By the way, thanks for the tips guys!
  2. http://www.box.com/s/ngyffo1t1rn94oofrcqa WHOOPS! This is the complete, but not final version. That was an old link...
  3. Thanks a bunch! I'm working on fixing some things, but I will definitely have to find a better snare for the percussion.
  4. Thanks! I'll wait for some more reviews now. I hope everyone else likes it too.
  5. It's done! Tell me what you think.
  6. I've remixed this song previously, but felt that I needed to do better! http://www.box.com/s/9aykepa3iamjaau6394g Enjoy! *I'm considering submitting this to OCR... Depends on how much of a review I get on it*
  7. Thanks. I think I'll try it without vocals first, just to see where it will go. I have a guitar-esque sound I plan on using.
  8. Another update! http://www.box.com/s/7xxdxrde01n9na6vdthu
  9. True enough. I might just end up submitting a vocal-less version for OCRemix, while keeping another version just for me. I'll work on the drums and proper EQ soon. Thanks!
  10. http://www.box.com/s/ngyffo1t1rn94oofrcqa Something I'm working on as part of my 10 track album. What do you think? It's finished now. I hope I an get a good critique.
  11. http://www.box.net/s/q7vzfnboojl6727ec6qg Something I cooked up today. For my album "Grand Adventure!"
  12. Good to know. Thanks for the advice! To follow up on your point about Solaris Phase 2, yes it is FAR too iconic for anyone to really try and take a stab at remixing. I'm contemplating on vocals for this because, as you said, it needs them. I intended for this version, by all means, to have them. I just want everything in it to be a completely original remix, so I won't add the vocals from Crush40. I might sing it myself, or get someone else to. And the bass; yeah... in my revise, I'm toning it down. Seemed a tad to harsh for the track. I'll see what I can do about everything in the next edit.
  13. Thanks for the help guys! If there's anything else you'd like to add, feel free!
  14. Follow along to this source. I'm going for more of a D n B style; like Mt Eden (for those of you that have heard of him) I'll re work the strings. The beginning DID sounds a little strange to me as well. And I think I need more of a waving type bass.
  15. http://www.box.net/shared/kmu576zzn20uk59zyihx Update. I've added more drums using a new method I learned. Also, I changed the bass in the intro accordingly.
  16. Nitpicking or not, it helps me make better music when I get feedback! Thanks.
  17. No worries, I know what you're trying to say. I am trying to find a way to make the leads a bit stronger. As for singing, I am trying to leave it open because I'm still considering putting vocals over it. I want it to be able to stand alone, while still sounding fine if I added the lyrics.
  18. http://www.box.net/shared/ip7hd70jt5524jay1o4g Hoping I can do this song justice. I need to know how this sounds to others before I can continue though... Thoughts?
  19. Alright. Anything on my progress with the song?
  20. Alright. I've finished the song and put in all of the instruments. I'd really love to know what can and should be changed. I've listened to it so many times, I don't hear anything! Lol. http://www.box.net/shared/hkxnvkch69cdyn39hsd1
  21. Thanks! I will have to find Edirol again. It lies dormant somewhere on my hard drive.
  22. Guys, say it with me now.... "JaSON" ;)

  23. Please re-visit the link, as I have updated the file.
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