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Everything posted by YannickJason

  1. I'm having trouble hearing the right chords... Erhm, that is to say I was having trouble. I've got the chords down now and I'm doing some more fine tuning.
  2. So, I'm getting stuck on this piano part because I'm not hearing the chords properly. I really want this to sound good, but I'm just not getting it. Would anyone like to help out a guy using FL Studio?
  3. Here's a smaller, not too significant update. I changed around a few things and lengthened the "wubs" some. http://www.box.com/s/cdf0b53c4c14fc138215
  4. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, my piano vst pans depending on where it is in the scale. I need to work more on the EQ of the wobble bass. It does get kind of quiet too. I'll try the fade in.
  5. Why thank you! It's always nice to hear that people like my work. I'll try to make this even better.
  6. Thanks so much! Sorry for the late reply. Yeah, this one definitely needs a bit more tweaking before release
  7. I want it to feel like the original, and still have that "Modern Sonic" feel. :/
  8. He wanted me to try for something modern, as he is making a modern stage. The FM is good advice though. I've just gotta get my hands on some good FM sounds now. Thank you for the critique.
  9. Alright. So, I've done some more talking with the fine fellow who wanted me to do this song and he feels it's more classic sounding. What can I do to make it more "modern?"
  10. Update number 7! https://www.box.com/s/403bb4c3f4bf72539638 Progress is coming along even more. I'm hoping to finalize this soon. I think it's time to crack out the acoustic guitar...
  11. Thanks for the comment man. I noticed that just after rendering the song and thought "oh man, is someone gonna point that out?" On it.
  12. One more update! The link is the same.
  13. Thanks man! I"m trying to get more of the Sonic feel down with this one. Unfortunately, that keeps me kinda restricted at parts. I'll try and delve a little but more though. That bass is getting harsh on the ears. I'm trying to find a new one, so good looking out on that one. I'm trying something more so along the lines of VOPM or some good FM sounds. They're really hard to find though. EDIT: Also, I just got more info from my buddy and he wants it to sound even crazier! Bass change, away!
  14. One more time! I'm almost done. Liking my progress. The new drum break is coming along... https://www.box.com/s/28b714ac552940d0b377 again, critiques are more than welcome!
  15. Sounding really good so far! I very much enjoy that guitar. I like the build-up into the electric guitar; very nice transition. I do think that solo can be brought up a little more. Probably with a little more EQ you could widen out that sound. Otherwise, I love it! Can't wait to hear more!
  16. https://www.box.com/s/8ad08d1d04dd9e265dd8 Here's a bigger update! I didn't think I would get this much done so fast! Added more of the new bass and tried out a new drum break made from scratch. I'm hoping I didn't stray too far from that "Sonic" feel.
  17. https://www.box.com/s/17a3478c3e52b43f2a6b Here's another update! I'm hoping to get it into a more *ahem* semi-dustep breakdown for a brief moment... Also, I think I need to make my own drum breaks for this song. The one's I've got aren't powerful enough.
  18. Thanks man. You do bring up a good point. That's something that was kind of worrisome when I started; the fact that just about anything can be considered a Modern Remix when it comes to a colours mod. Bringing this to a point about Generations, I wasn't the biggest fan of Planet Wisps Remix. It was more of a not so great remaster... Moving back on point.. I think that the most identifiable feature of this world's themes was the Amen breaks used along with the piano. I would love to make my own from scratch, but I don't quite know how to make one, let alone a good sounding one. I may have to go through some samples and do some rearranging. As stated before, the one used in the WiP is right from the original song.
  19. Thanks! I knew there was something odd about the bass, but I couldn't put my finger on it...
  20. Thanks so much for feedback! They actually were asking for a more Modern Mix. I'm trying to adding my own flare to it, but I'm still trying to keep it close to the original. I'm hoping that the more I delve into this song, the more I can take it into my own influence. I think I'll have to find a new drum break, or make my own soon. This one is directly from the game in the third act. I thought it would sound good, but I may have to separate each sound so I have more control over velocity and the like.
  21. http://www.box.com/s/e588fad7761d1934ce2f I've been asked to make a Generations-sounding version of "Aquarium Park" From Sonic Colours. (Something more so along the lines of a Modern Remix) I could really use some help on this one, as well as some good old fashioned critique. That piano is played so amazingly, it's hard to do it justice. I am really loving the vibe I'm giving it though. Comments and Crit are always welcome!
  22. bump. But really, I could use some pointers...
  23. Part of my upcoming EP. I could really use some advice about DnB, but anything helps. http://soundcloud.com/yannick-jason/grand-adventure-wip
  24. http://soundcloud.com/yannick-jason/anthem-of-adventure Last one.
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