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    Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Oh boy, you are "blessed" with novice commenters, because I have really small training and theory. "Actually I don't have enough skills and instruments to make something fresh and new." -Please don't say that. You have a very good start, but it needs something (at least, this is what I think). Something that you CAN do it. "It's hard to beat this briliant original track." -True indeed. But you don't have to beat this track. You "just" have to "personalize" it. (Which can be harder than making an original.) Morph it into your taste, your personality. "You know people tells me that i'm making a little bit boring tracks so i'm working on differentation in track." Well... that's true, that I don't know you. I am just guessing in the dark, but I think that you lack some courage to "play". In my humble opinion, just play with the track and the instruments. Play like a cat playing with its toy. Again with the personalization (it looks like, it's my flagship ): try to make it more melancholic, try to make it something happy. Try to swap/change the instruments, try to make an energetic violin solo (ok, this is just my personal wish, because I learn to play the violin and I like this instrument ). Oh, and.. this is your remix. It {is}/{will be} complete when you feel like it. We (the others) just tell you what we feel about it. P.S.: Sorry for being a moralist. These are just my opinions and are not absolute truths. Follow my advice if you feel that they will be constructive to you and forget them if you feel otherwise. P.S. nr.2: ...and sorry for my poor english.
  2. First of all, I'm in. I'm planning to go to London on 5th November. I think, they should come more often to Europe but that's just my personal opinion. Nobuo Uematsu had a great influence on me and his work (for example Theme of Love) was one of the reasons why I started to learn playing on the violin at the age of 22 (I finished my 2nd year in the local musical school). Still don't know if it was a good decision or bad but I enjoyed every moment, despite my clumsiness. So, long story short, I'm in and I'm looking forward to 29th July. My regards, Zsolt Dávid (Geryon)
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