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Everything posted by SapSpecial

  1. no examples yet, but there will be. send me your stuff and ill get back to you. nothing really to lose since its free. anyone wanna step to the plate?
  2. im offering online mastering for free for a limited time. send me your tracks and ill do my thing and give you the end product. my email : thelastender408@gmail.com must be wav or mp3 format.
  3. Fraps work
  4. messing around with fraps
  5. if anybody wants needs a member to collaborate on a project, message
  6. message me ill get back to you with one or the other.
  7. Review of synth
  8. thankyou for the feedback
  9. Synth review
  10. Fraps edits
  11. Sampler and synth
  12. i accidentally posted this project on another forum
  13. http://soundcloud.com/spiller88
  14. Tell me how you feel when you hear this. Need some criticism http://soundcloud.com/sapspecial/final-words-excerpts-from-the
  15. makes me feel all fuzzy inside. nice beat man. chill and lounge.
  16. cool. brings me back playing lunar 2. however, make the bass alittle louder. I like the way you bring out different parts within the songs. especially the different rhythms in drums, around 0:42 and 0:48
  17. hahaha. thsi is good. bringing back the hip style. nice disco beats in this shiz .
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIS6XvvI-AU
  19. check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx-hunC8G_E
  20. South park 64: beat the game without cheating for once http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg5O1wc0nVc
  21. hahah Yeah i fooled around once or twice with mario paint, too. i started playing the kayboard around six years old and just progressed to sequencers at 14. Experimented with FL and stuff. Then I picked up other instruments along the way. Heres where i kinda am today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg5O1wc0nVc
  22. Some times sliced samples in FL Slicer or just practice making drum patterns. Took a quite a while for me to get the hang of it. Playing drums does help the process. as for samples you can bend them and twist them, just experiment. Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg5O1wc0nVc
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