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Posts posted by StreetFlare

  1. Well, rather, I guess the title should be - Oh No You Haven't!

    The title theme of Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (another vocals-dependent track) is seriously RIGHT UP a lot of musicians on here's ally. Not quite sure if it appeared in game, never got around to purchasing it, but from the reviews on the game I received, the music was nowhere near what was expected for a shooter.

    Source: -

    Oh, and no matter what genre it's remixed into (if this song CAN even be remixed on here) - keep those lyrics. They create part of the hilarity of this song.

  2. If it wasn't for school, I'd tackle it head-on, but for one downside - where do I start? I mean, genre wise. After that, bits and pieces fall into place. Crush 40 in general would be a challenge, but it's not like I requested a Solaris Phase Two remix.... I'm saving that one for a later date. :mrgreen:

  3. Yeah, I think that SA2 deserves some love, and what better song to request than Crush 40's Live and Learn?

    Personally, I think that unlike His World from Sonic '06, this song has to be done vocally. So, yeah, here's my first of what is likely to be many little challenges. Anyone up for it, or shall I have to do it myself towards the end of the year?

  4. Oh, and another for Most Frustrating (well, not really. More most likely to get Microsoft employees killed by hardcore fans) would be the MechAssault series. Wasn't bad, but...urgh, once they introduced hacking in the second game, I got annoyed. Not too pissed off, because at the time I was a more casual gamer (still am, compared to most) because it meant I could hijack my cousin's mech in multiplayer (or simply use it to steal a lift in capture the flag), but when I got the DS version.... AARGH! Mechassault: Phantom War is probably the worst DS game I own. For a Battletech fan, it was torture, and the fact that the hacking was even harder than MechAssault on Xbox didn't make it any better for me....

    So glad Piranha Games is making MechWarrior Online.

  5. Megaman: Battle Network 5 Double Team DS. I got a headache just saying the name, and then I got stuck. As in, lost in a world full of ninja enemies... Don't even remember why I bought it either... now the only things I use my DS lite (second hand after I broke the hinges on an original DS, something Nintendo has repeatedly said impossible...and then froze when I proved it to a large group of Nintendo employees based here in Australia...) to play are Pokemon White, and a friend's copy of HeartGold, despite my parents hatred of Pokemon.

    Also, I get why you guys are hating on the moral system, but it's a mechanic I see working.... AS LONG AS YOU MAKE IT A CHARACTER, NOT YOURSELF. If you fret about your alignment, in order to get a certain ending, you'll get no satisfaction. Me, I'm an author, and my main characters are always based on me. Therefore, whenever I get a game like that, I enjoy it - I mean, honestly, I'm fine with making the decisions I want... and then switching to a different character to get other endings (and make Atton Rand from KOTOR II comment on how he's a Bioware-created Han Solo ripoff, as he does when you've finished the game many times. Too bad I was playing a loaned copy that was scratched -_-)

    Most annoying games - Final Fantasy XIII series. Haven't played the original, but apparently, while critically adored (and I agree, the second is awesome), the fact that the game is a SHEER GRINDFEST drives me up the wall. That, and the fact that there's only really two playable characters. (Again, that's in the sequel. I mean, honestly, Square Enix, could you please give us something other than monsters to round-out a standard game? I don't want to use DLC to get more, mostly temporary, characters)

  6. I still like this track. The opening is a little bizarre, but oh well, if I can leekspin myself for 40 minutes, I can survive any strange little segment.

    Then it gets epic. Granted, when 'Nikki' misses notes, it gets really annoying, but I do it a lot on guitar anyway (stupid intermediate-level playing on advanced pieces), so I 'spose I'm desensitized.

    And now that I've given the song another bump, I bid you adeau!

  7. Wow. Just...wow. This song literally just came up on my shuffle, and I was on the verge of tears. There's two ways I can hear the lyrics as well. There's the religious way, which I can tell was unintentional, and the romantic way, which BGC basically said IS what it was written about.

    Religiously, it sounds like the sort of Christian music I was brought up with, especially with the "All I have to give you back are just my two hands/To help you find your way to heaven", which instantly made me think of Jesus. (I'm sorta religious, sorta not.)

    But then the religious feelings were overblown when I realized it described my on again off again crush on a friend of mine, better than I can express in words. So I sent it to her, because I can't bring myself to say I care about her in words again. That was.......well, two minutes ago. I don't think she would have listened to it just yet, but still, she'll probably think I'm trolling her (I've confessed feelings for her in Mandalorian from Star Wars before, so I'm not sure how she's gonna react to an epic song like this)

    BGC, thank you. For all of the different meanings this song can have, and for making me realize that this kind of music is truly amazing.

  8. No problem. I was actually worried you'd misinterpret my all-caps FALSE there ehehehe...

    Haha, despite being an Australian teen, I know what to look for - when a person on a semi-professional completely-awesome website types in all caps, either they're trolling, or being truthful. You, I thought the latter. Because your name is Kirby with an M. Like a boss...

    I, too, am looking forward to more episodes....as long as we find out the story Katara was GOING to tell before that annoying brat (who reminded my sister and I of Ty Lee) interrupted.

  9. If Book One is Air... I wonder what Book Two will be...

    ...unfortunately, there may not be one, the creators were waiting on ratings before confirming multiple seasons.

    Took me an hour to find the show, considering I'm non-US based. However, when I did, I loved it. Well thought out, especially the pro-bending idea. I mean, what else could it be, an all-element Earth Rumble?

    I have to admit, the first time I saw Tenzin, I lol'ed at his son acting like OM NOM NOM YUMMY HEAD.

  10. Awesome, thanks!

    Pshhh, you don't need a headset! :razz: Mixing won't actually start till May 5th though. Recruitment will begin mid-April.

    -_-" Great....I turn 18 on the 9th of May, and then I'm in the middle of a school term, so I won't exactly have TIME to remix anything. Not to mention I want to record and mix my original track. And I kinda do - I'm running ProTools 8 and an M-Box (as a guitarist/vocalist) so I can't be bothered wiring up my speakers to run through the M-Box, and I can't export sound while I'm working on it. Hence my requirement of a headset. Well, that and I don't want to ruin my brand new earbuds.

  11. This post makes my head spin....whoa

    Yeah... the bits in red is where my brain goes off on a tangent coz it's starting to wander...shows you just how bad it is for me when I get tired to focus on something interesting. So, yeah, sorry for the headaches, everyone!

  12. It's not nearly as impossible as you may think it is. :nicework:

    blah, blah, blah, something about Zircon...ooh, something important!...surviving on music alone just doesn't seem practical to me. I plan to do lots of different musical stuff other than vgm like synths/sample libraries as I listed above, but I might not be nearly as successful (still a kid). ...dude, this is where you reply.

    Stupid brain annotations.

    I was talking about this to a friend recently. We both play music, known each other for a few years, and I've lost as a solo act to his band before in talent contests (which, for some reason, whenever I enter with my original song, my best song, everyone says the song is beautiful, but yet the judges pan it because it has an actual meaning, and isn't superficial like pop music) while both performing original songs in the heats (Yay me! Only original not to get through that time, plus the most recent time when they put me on the performance night nobody wants to go to...I've pretty much given up on that original song for talent nights.) Anyway, one of the things he said to me made sense. "The music industry doesn't like a deeper meaning. It loves the shallow stuff, because that's what makes successful pop music." ...and then started talking about his idol Jon Bon Jovi. But that's something I understand. I want to make it big, always have. (When you get bullied by an entire year level for 7 years, and the only thing you have over them is music, you kinda want to prove that you're better than they are, even 6 years later) But, at the rate I'm going, the only way I'm gonna do that is if I get onto one of those TV contests like "The Voice" or "The X Factor" or "Australian Idol"...(Ugh, more talent performances for failing at) or I do the Bieber thing and get picked up via YouTube. (chances = slim to nothing, considering my YT account is currently collecting dust while I save for new recording headphones)

    I plan to do the aforementioned degree, then do something UNTHINKABLE - go into teaching in high schools. Do a Diploma of Education on top of a Bachelor of Music Industry & Performance, so I've got qualifications, then teach. While I'm doing that, perform on the side, like the most epic teachers I've ever had, including the vocals teacher who's still singing after having two sets of throat surgery (Granted, that was caused by bad technique, but he's in a band with another music teacher at my school, which is believed to be how he got the job there. He's epic, laid back, and not above joking with us. Neither is she, luckily.) Or maybe I'll be lucky, and do a LeeBro and end up known for my music through video games. (I wish I was a user on here back when he was, I loved Dreams of an Absolution - one of my fav VG tracks) Maybe if I get sick of that, back to uni, do another degree - a long one, probably in Psychology, so that I can get into music therapy. That way, I'm still making the most of what I love.

    So, yeah, if you actually read those blocks of text, congratulations, you've found out what goes on in the head of a Shadow on the Wall. (That's the name of my original, coming to YT as soon as I get that aforementioned headset and record the damn thing for the second time, after the free album which got that song critical acclaim in my local area, and in a specific community of mental health which shall go unnamed in this post) For those who didn't, oh well.

    And if it doesn't work out, there's always being an author or getting hitched to a world-famous athlete! XD

  13. On that note, two of the most interesting Pokemon from BW in my opinion were Volcarona and Galvantula, both not only uniquely-typed Bug Pokemon, but in underrepresented secondary types as well. (Seriously, there's, what, five or six decent electric types?)

    It's really frustrating that we're up to almost 650 Pokemon and yet there are untouched type combinations and we still get a couple dozen Water types and the same old Bug/Poison, Bug/Flying, Normal/Flying, Grass/Poison, etc. combinations we've had since Gen I. There's no need to keep making more of those. We have more than enough choices for those typings. They need to make more unique things.

    Agreed. But what, that's the main question. The only type that hasn't really been worked with, aside for all the rest, is Dragon. Fighting, to a lesser extent, but that's mostly used as a combination subtype, not a primary. Dragon is normally a primary. Heck, even Poison. A Fire/Poison type wouldn't be bad (ok, 4x weak to Ground, 2x weak to Water, Psychic & Rock.... it would be bad). What I'd want to see would be a Fire/Rock type starter, but with decent stats. Bug/Dragon, too. I mean, a three-stage Bug/Dragon type...everyone would want it, even IF it was only to use against Hydregon. A non-legendary Steel/Dragon would be decent as well. Heck, more Dark, Steel and Dragon types in general.

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