Hey all,
I'm Mister Riff (or Mario irl) and I'm from Belgium.
I discovered OC Remix thx to the Mega Man 9: Back in Blue cd ... When I heard "The Skull Fortress" by Sixto Sounds I immediatly searched to find this site, found out that it was filled with awesome remixers and signed up
I'm a guitarist and started playing guitar about 6 years ago but never was that much into recording and didn't really practise all that hard ... 6 months ago I purchased an Eleven Rack (http://www.avid.com/US/products/Eleven-Rack) and my interest for music has flared up and I now play at least 3 hours of guitar each day and most of the time a LOT more ... Thx to the Eleven Rack I've found what I was "missing" from guitarplaying and I now look forward everyday to when I come home and can play the guitar
I joined OC Remix because I've always liked video games music and would LOVE to learn how to remix songs and make music in the likes of Sixto Sounds and the other talented musicians on here ... I know that I won't become a remixer overnight but I'm willing to put in the time and hard work! You can check out a song I'm kinda proud of on my soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mister_riff/dbz-challengers-theme-cover-by (It's just a cover though and I've gotten better at mixing and stuff since doing it!)
Looking forward to learning from you guys (I already did while looking through the forums!) and hope that in the future I'll have a remix of my own on here
I'l end my post with my favorite OST of all time (that isn't an OC Remix): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5q6erXxeDw ... This entire cd is BADASS