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King Kayle

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Everything posted by King Kayle

  1. Disappointed there was nothing by over9000thehedgehog. Very. Disappointed.
  2. Interestingly enough i was going for a mechanical sound. There's a Youtube user called threelines3 who does the same thing. Even though their songs sound obviously processed they're still enjoyable to listen to. I don't think mechanical should be synonymous with faulty and I feel very strongly about this, mechanical is a style. Those notes are pretty muddy though .__.
  3. I made a thing In case you're not acquainted. The original can be found here: There is no existing midi for this in case you were wondering, i really did do this all by ear, freehand. A weekend well spent.
  4. I always thought the places you go when this music plays were mysteriously creepy, so i literally just did this from scratch last night, any suggestions? http://soundcloud.com/king-kayle/what-lies-beneath-the-ocean
  5. Unfortunately i've not been able to access my soundcloud lately, so i'ma have to link from Youtube General feedback is appreciated I consider it finished but i'm always open to improvement The original:
  6. The source tune seems to be a fan favourite among the Youtube remixing community, most people however had stuck cripplingly close to the original, so i thought throwing it into the abyss of dance/electro might be 'fresh and new' Just check it out if you please http://soundcloud.com/king-kayle/pokemon-mystery-dungeon-hidden
  7. Thanks very much for the feedback Yeah i can see that wobble bass is a problem, i probably shoulda put a warning on it but i'll defo turn that down :') All the other suggestions are duly noted and i'll keep working on it
  8. My first real attempt at anything of the genre, i realise a lot of people aren't fans of it either but any constructive criticism is welcomed http://soundcloud.com/king-kayle/jenova-absolute-electro-dub-1 EDIT: Is a more recent version, with minor alterations, i don't usually like putting youtube links up but it is newer
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