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  • Real Name
    Owen Kay
  • Location
    Oxfordshire, England
  • Occupation
    Hahahahahahaha no

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  1. Yeah, I'm hearing it as that too. Thought at first it would just be an intro or something.
  2. Oh, wow, thanks man! I dunno if I'll have enough money even for this, but who knows, maybe some time in the near future I'll be able to create that Sword Man/Bubble Man remix I've thought of. Yes, really.
  3. Aww, now we won't get a Storm Eagle/Storm Owl remix. Although on the other hand, Toxic Seahorse is one of my favourite maverick themes, so I guess it was a win-win situation. Or something. And yet another great round of mixes this week! Seriously, I wish I had the technology/software to actually make music, because I'd love to participate in one of these.
  4. I'm just glad we haven't had a match up where both contestants had to drop out. Course, now I've probably jinxed that or something, haven't I?
  5. Gonna say something potentially blasphemous here: I'm not a fan of either Slash Beast or Blaze Heatnix's themes. That being said, serious congratulations to Gario and Amphibious for making two really awesome pieces of music out of those themes!
  6. Welcome to OC Remix!

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