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Status Updates posted by Coaltergeist

  1. any luck on that art?

  2. Any luck with the art? I'd like to have it soon so I can try to breathe some life into this project

  3. Are you the same guy who did/does MREO? If so, long time fan, man :) .

  4. Awesome! thank you, hopefully some art will catch some people's eyes

  5. Hey if you still want Conquest for the album, it's up for grabs.

  6. Hey, I sent you another WIP, wanna make sure we're on the same page before July

  7. Nice. I used to post on the ZREO forums like a million years ago, IDK if you remember me. Nice to hear you're still working on stuff; I checked your album out and it sounds pretty great!

  8. You're working on a Sacred Stones Song? Me too lol. Which one? I'm doing Truth, despair and Hope (Eirika/Ephraim) theme from late game. Love these games.

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