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Status Updates posted by Coaltergeist

  1. any luck on that art?

  2. You're working on a Sacred Stones Song? Me too lol. Which one? I'm doing Truth, despair and Hope (Eirika/Ephraim) theme from late game. Love these games.

  3. Are you the same guy who did/does MREO? If so, long time fan, man :) .

  4. Nice. I used to post on the ZREO forums like a million years ago, IDK if you remember me. Nice to hear you're still working on stuff; I checked your album out and it sounds pretty great!

  5. Hey, I sent you another WIP, wanna make sure we're on the same page before July

  6. Hey if you still want Conquest for the album, it's up for grabs.

  7. Any luck with the art? I'd like to have it soon so I can try to breathe some life into this project

  8. Awesome! thank you, hopefully some art will catch some people's eyes

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