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  1. Just whip something up in html or something, just give us a page with a bunch of raw text links. I beg of you, I am losing faith. When it was promised before New Years Eve... I didn't believe it. Please give me something to believe in! Agreed. I could actually care less about what the website that hosts the files looks like (I do agree that Chrono Symphonic does deserve the high quality stuff starzander can produce, but that can wait), just do something like a soft opening of it and create a temporary page for a few days. I think everyone agrees that we just want to hear what is going to be one of the best projects to be released on this site. Whatever the case, keep up the great work everyone. Edit: Alright, I sort of overlooked the issue of what was actually being edited on the site. For some reason I thought it was only the page's design, not the random scripting for the links. That definitely would warrant a delay as stressing out bandwidth is a bad thing.
  2. Wow. This has to one of the most incredible versions of this song I've ever heard. Scratch that, it's one of the best orchestrated remixes I've ever heard in my entire life. There are no words to describe this, other than "It's so damn good it actually made me post after not posting for over a year." Bravo, and keep up the good work with future game music Mr. Soule. But do remix for us again every once in awhile.
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