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  1. Did yah know that Kirby 20th anniversary is this year and they did't release a Albumn of milkyway wishes like how long the artwork is done the track's are done did't see the coming soon video of it never release it's been years since 2010 or something and now it suppose to be happening halc suppose to be charge I know it might take a while to release it maybe this year , next year , coming years or so here it is the dkc3 album is out but other albums releases must be patiences so yah keep waiting for this album for so long I love this album and I still wait as I can
  2. when the deadlines coming for this album i ready to listening to it when it release now the wait of dkc3 double the trouble is over now i am waiting on this album and the others albums
  3. that a nice album art you got there it kind of like kiddy art for this album let's get this thing release already
  4. ok if the album dkc3 double the trouble it gonna be out like in coming weeks after the album is out what album will come out next will it be kirby milkyway wishes, bionic commando research and ressurrection, final fantasy 2 rebellion, final fantasy 6 balance of ruin, paper mario paper notes, shell shock tmnt4 and hyperstone or even super mario 64 portrait of the plumber which one will come out next beside dkc3 double the trouble
  5. hey guess this is a form of dkc3 double the trouble not the kickster ff6 form
  6. this album is coming next year so i really gonna be excited about this
  7. wow rebellion is on the project already wo can't wait for that and it gonna be like random encounter
  8. am so pump up pump up PUMP UP for this album to be release and it's done finally thank god i am waiting for the release so i could listen where ever i go to work travelling sit in the park , riding the transit and anything else so who ready for the albumn release
  9. can this album be ever releash already, it gonna be like late this month after the month was over, it been over the decade and i know people are working hard on it and i feel that the people in the community can take this or cannot take this because the way they act, like people saying that when the album coming out when is like complaining and it so hard so stop it don't worry, me i could be patient sometimes but i get like angry and stuff while it's taking long and can't stand it so it not a angry thing, it's a positive thing and i been waiting for this album like in months now let it be release so the waiting could be over:sad:
  10. had't seen the dkc3 album in days since a video preview and hard work they've doing so i don't know it gonna come out mid or late this month
  11. what seriosuly i have been waiting for so long to see the albumn release is that crazy that people will like it come on do this for the fans when i was a producer of the project i will not do the same thing as you are so i am disapointed so fell about that i want this album so badly emulator promise us a releas album this year it begin developed since 2010 and now this can't belive you say that so sorry i disapointed and i am not dealing with this
  12. ok i accept that
  13. excuse me will there be a lufia 1 project after lufia 2
  14. hey i saw a youtube video of the preview what happen to enchated music i like that music
  15. wow that means joshua is not gonna be working on the project, but now we got somebody to do a remix is c-jeff he will do the remix of this project so yah don't worry about it
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