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    Acoustic Guitar

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Stuff's been getting done for me. So that's some sort of progress.
  2. Oh, and if you need some ideas for album art, I can draw too. http://epicguitar.deviantart.com/
  3. I am Guitar, but my musical alias is HooNose for techno, Skavenger for Hardstyle. I also make feaux orchestrations, which I'm influenced by Hans Zimmer, John Powell, and varios video game soundtracks. I'm a Banjo-Kazooie fan. And a Zangoose.
  4. I'd like the featured tracks and the bonus, but if others really want it, I'd be fine sticking to Showdown Town and Tooty's theme. Cuz I really like Tooty's theme.
  5. Here's some of my remix/orchestrated works: http://www.youtube.com/user/HooNose2009?feature=mhee This one in particular:http://www.youtube.com/user/HooNose2009/#p/a/u/1/QwAX4-NR1S8 where I'm trying to remake all the songs from ear. I wish to claim Grunty's Lair, Showdown Town, and/or Tooty's theme.
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