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I think I got this mix once from VGMix 2.0 when it was up, but a recent hard drive crash corrupted a lot of files including this. Is there any chance that some of you still got it lying around and can upload it? The original filename is akumajobelmont_-_Have_You_Ever_(down_in_Medivo)(Jazz_Jackrabbit).mp3 Thanks in advance.
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
WTF, I got an acknowledge too?! Funky Monkey Love has been released in Valentine Edit! Enjoy the pitch change and Vigilante/Liontamer's talented voice show! -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
Just wanna inform that Krispy's early old WIP from the DKC Arr. Collab. "DeepBlue" has been released on VGMix. So if you got that, trash it and download the new version. -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
Wonderful, wonderful! In a few weeks I can finally get my credit card... -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
no, and i'd have preferred not to hear that. neither tune is great, but... some poppy mess better than pure analoq groove? i think not! OK, I was kidding, sorry. I just liked the melody. But seriously, do you have an instrumental version of it? (This question is not a joke.) -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
LIONTAMER (LARRY OJI) I wAnNa WoRsHiP u!!!!!! U r TeH cOoLeSt RaDiO h0sT eV4r!!! FuNnY sH1T mAn!!! I oWe U mAtEy! i WaNnA hAv Ur email & IM adresses sO i CaN sPaM aNd Ju5t MaIl yOu EvErY dAy! VG Frequency r0XX0rZ. Whew, I got my message out of my head. #31 Peel My Banana, I listened to it all two weeks ago. I will donate you all my money when I get a credit card....! analoq: Did I ever tell you that you ICe Cave Chant beta with Aetherius was better than dodilop do wop? -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
I am just proud to be a fan of Donkey Kong Country in general and having some of my replies and comments in the project history thread, and impressively proud to hear "the king" respond personally. Imagine you being a big fan of for instance Britney Spears, and you make a "remix project" or something for her album, and she emails you personally to congratulate and tell her own opinions... Wow, exactly what we got here. But it still makes me sad why I didn't participate more than I did to get more honor. Maybe D. Wise himself is willing to join our remixing community and eventually contribute or give feedback? If he still composes music as hobby? Or he is probably too busy with work anyway. Just my thoughts... an endless dream. No matter what, I am interested in following his current life, job and projects after this. I have always looked up to him, and after this he has become one of my idols. Does he know anything about what Robin Beanland and Eveline Fischer are doing now? If yes, did he tell them about Kong in Concert? Don't consider me being somekind of lawyer, but SPC rips origin from a SNES emulator (for example ZSNES). The ROMs are illegal, but emulators - are they legal or illegal? In fact that you once could buy the soundtrack means, that the songs are/were copyrighted, and having the rips of/ripping the original chiptunes wouldn't be legal. But as long as the original artists respond positively to the remixes (and in that case: the chiptunes hosted), there's no reason to complain. -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
OH MY FRIGGING GOODNESS!??!!! Is this a fake email (grammar doesn't look very professional) or is the real DKC-Rare/Nintendo staff knowing about OC Remix?! What about copyright? Aren't original VGM copyrighted? (Seems like D. Wise doesn't care about his work being posted here though as "chiptunes".) Wow, I'm speechless ...and proud. I've always thought that original video game music composers were like as big persons as Shigeru Miyamoto etc. Only until I saw Mark Knight (Duke Nukem PSX) and now... mighty David Wise! -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
Post edited/updated. Thank you. TCK: I sent the link to you, check your PM Inbox. If others are interested, this link: http://smbmadness1.frac.dk/KRool.oggA Delete "A" from extension after download. Reason why is that server disallows certain filetypes to prevent abusing. This file isn't illegal anyway. (I'll let it be up 'till... well, I won't delete it though!) -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
Great work you two! That's what I want! Mixes that never got a future and are covered by dust in the artists' archive folders, give 'em a try! These are what I have collected in original file names among those posted earlier on this page: aetherius_icecavechant(beta2).mp3 = Aetherius' beta (version 2) of Ice Cave Chant. coconut_panic.mp3 = Shariq Ansari's WIP of Coconut Panic! - A clip from DK Island Swing before the actual melody begins. credits.mp3 = (I can't remember where I got this from, I searched for it afterwards but never found it. It's the only track I don't have a source to.) Dhsu is playing a short clip from the start of The Credits Concerto on piano. cuntcherto.mp3 = RICK submitted this sometime ago. I can't recognize this nonsense of crap. Looks like he left the project also. DeepBlue(beta1.5).mp3 = An Aquatic Ambiance remix with different instruments by Krispy. DkcFunky.mp3 = S|r NutS freaking out in FL (Fruity Loops) Studio 4. Techno/trance remix of Funky's Fugue. fdjadjkd.mp3 = A clip from the middle of Aquatic Ambiance. If you want to know the author, look through the history thread. IceCrap.ogg = Protricity made this Ice Cave Chant chill. Trance synths. KRool.ogg = Very lame/cool techno/trance remix of Gang-Plank Galleon by Ari. (Ari = Protricity?) mine cart.mp3 = Made by Daniel Baranowsky. Just a simple loopable beat to be used in a Mine Cart Madness remix. minelife2.mp3 = RICK's "LIFE IN TEH MINES" with some voice saying "Atomic Danger". Guess the original track name... (ShiddyMines.ogg = Look above.) Suzumebachi-DKC-MineCartMadness.ogg = Suzumebachi, meant to make the Mine Cart Madness remix for Gorilla con Gusto, but dropped out. The title is "Industrial Mines" and it is a rock remix. swingswangswung.mp3 = FM/Standing Man, pulled his releases because of stolen computer and Europe vacation, if I remember correctly. Binnie had to find a substitute for this track. Orchestral version of DK Island Swing. (treepop-a3.ogg = Early version of smh's "Arboreal Ascent", I deleted this when I found out.) Kong in Concert - 01 - Vigilante, Protricity - Plight of Heroes (Theme).ogg = Found on one of the FTP servers. Protricity's own encode of their rejected remix in the peer review. Larry Oji (Liontamer) - VG Frequency #31.mp3 = Located on Ari FTP mirror below the download folders. Larry Oji (Liontamer)'s 5½ hour DKC/remix projects/calling prank/VG Frequency radio show. Really funny shit, man! (Large file if you don't know the length of the show: = 225 MB, 96kbps) nacho_thecreditsconcerto.mp3 = Digital Coma's peer review encode of Nacho's rejected remix "Goodbye Mr. Kong". vigilante,protricity_theme.mp3 = Digital Coma's peer review encode of Vigilante & Protricity's rejected remix "Plight of Heroes" (same as above). Please correct me if I there are errors in the list. I have not listed the VGMix/OCR releases (without fades), and not bLiNd's VGMix release before time, which was pulled and not reuploaded yet. -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
The links to the two arrangements rejected by peer review are still active and can be found in the history thread here. As I'll be saying again and again, thank you everyone so much for your feedback. Your support itself has made this project possible. Clearing up my post: I meant stuff like Aetherius' Ice Cave Chant beta v2 & Sadorf's Aquatic Ambiance Demo mix etc. which was abandoned/cancelled and test mixes like these links: Vigilante's "Eulogy at Sea" is the same as "Beneath the Surface", just a name change, and possibly some mix modifications, but still the same structure. -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
I wasn't actively involved in the project, and I didn't feedback the first months, I just followed the project happily being the audience, while updating my WIPs and currently "finished" Gorilla con Gusto tracks until the project had its final name change, and I was in trouble with some of the regular contributors on the discussion. Many things happened behind the scenes, and unfortunately I was too lazy to gain access to it. I believed that it was their project, not mine, because I couldn't do anything valuable. Until I realized that the word "collab(oration)" means the same as "coorporate", "teamwork" and I thought that I could have been a part of it too, if I just didn't stand in the crowd and watch carefully. I still have a dream of many of the abandoned/cancelled WIPs to see the daylight, because only the artists and other interested people are keeping the copies. Some of them can be found by looking in the project history thread, and if lucky, the URLs still work. (Please remove this link if I am breaking artists rights) And many others can be found here. (Hmm, looks like the link is dead/broken, oh well... ) I also think it's a shame that FM and Nacho (and Israfel) dropped out of the project, since people like Protricity and Vigilante made many remixes for the album, though it was a collaboration. I am not saying that you shouldn't, you (and voters) just took for instance Nacho's opportunity to be a part of the successful album with one track, though you already had two or three. I am not trying to criticize or de-honor you, I just look on the case from another perspective. -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
Oh! That is/was a big loss for you. So it's on time you get the game to know. DK is my lifestyle, I own all Rareware's DK games and also many others including Donkey Kong. I love game music too, especially DK-mixes, Duke Nukem-series, Shadow Warrior and original Jazz Jackrabbit modules from the series. -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
Binnie also needs to put the link to Rare's website in the last blurb in a new window, and not the small popup window. Anyway I have compiled this useful text-file: (Kong in Concert - Blurbs.txt) NOW people won't miss them! -
OCRA-0002 - Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Karmus replied to Digital Coma's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
Link error to Zircon's OGG files. -
OCR01009 - Donkey Kong Country "Industrial Fear"
Karmus replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
LOL the original track is often confused with some name "Donkey Kong Country Theme Techno Version"!